(6) Some strategies are behavioral while others are mental。 Thus some strategies are directly observable while others are not。
(7) Strategies contribute indirectly to the learning by providing learners with data about the second language which they then process。 However, some strategies may also contribute directly for example, memorization strategies directed at specific lexical terms or grammatical rules)。 文献综述
(8) The use of learning strategies varies considerably as a result of both the kind of tasks the learners is engaged in and inpidual learners’ preferences。
It can be seen that with characteristics, some confusions of different definitions can be avoided。 In this thesis, since it is case study so it needs to be comprehensible and observable。 Also, considering the purpose of the research, the learning strategies are defined as specific approaches, steps and skills that learners use (often consciously) to facilitate language learning。
2。2 The classification of language learning strategy
Since it is difficult to define learning strategy, the classification becomes important in order to have a more specific idea of it。 It enables researchers to find the relationship between mental and strategy process and it serves as reference for educator to facilitate students’ learning。 Language learning strategies have been classified into different categories by scholars from different perspectives。 In this part, some major classifications will be shown。