    Acknowledgements Here, I would like to thank all the people for helping me with the composition of the thesis.To begin with, I owe a debt to my supervisor Mr. Chen Yanhui, as his continuous guidance exerts a profound influence on me. This thesis would not have been composed if Mr. Chen did not give me his keen encouragement, share with me his precious knowledge and offer me his valuable suggestions for revising and improving the thesis draft. I am grateful to thank all his efforts for my paper very much.23313
    Secondly, I improve greatly with the generous help of all the teachers in the School of Foreign Languages at SIT. Their assiduous spirit to study, effective way of teaching and patient instruction go along with me through my undergraduate life and will influence me in my future life of studying and working.
    Special thanks go to the Diffusion Million Arthur, a mobile game produced by Square Enix Co. Ltd. It uses the exquisite comic pictures to make descriptions of famous character of legend and their adventures. Those drawings of traditional Japanese anime attract lots of otaku (young people who stay at home and fall into comics, anime and games), and also makes me interested in the legend of King Arthur. Maybe it is not the whole reason I choose this topic for my thesis, but I still have to admit this game gives me inspiration to make clear the outline of a foreign legend in foreign culture.
    Last but not least, I shall extend my appreciation to all my classmates and friends, whose supports and assistances enrich and delight my study experiences here.
    Throughout the ages, profound memories from the ancient people have been passed down from one generation to another by countless tales, stories and legends condensed and embodied in different countries and in various cultural customs of different nations. One of them is the legend of King Arthur, which depicts lots of epic legendary figure and reflects the spirit of chivalry spreading from the Europe in the Middle Ages till this day.
    This thesis intends to make a detailed analysis of the chivalry of Europe in a macroscopic view in terms of the introduction, comparison and research of the legend of King Arthur. By elaborating on and appreciating the manifestation of the legend of King Arthur in various fields such as literature, theatre, anime and video games, etc., this thesis further analyzes the far-reaching influences and penetration of culture of chivalry beneath the spirit of chivalry on later generation and its spread in Eastern and Western cultures. The influence of the systems of chivalry on Chinese and Western culture is also analyzed in detail from an all-round perspective by combining the characters of the figures with class conflicts in history in the legend of King Arthur.
    Key Words: King Arthur, legend, Spirit of Chivalry, Chinese and Western culture, influence
    1 Introduction.    1
    2 Famous Characters Related to the Legend.1
    2.1 King Arthur.3
    2.1.1 Historical Origin3
    2.1.2 The Sword in the Stone and Excalibur4
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