5。2。2 Design Questions Based On the There-Dimensional Target 15

5。2。3 Draw Attention to the Openness of Questions 15

5。2。4 Create Questions for Critical Thinking 16

5。2。5 Improve Effectiveness and Equality of Questioning Based on Difference Teaching 16

References 17

Appendix (Questionnaire Results) 18

1。 Introduction

1。1 The Significance of the StudyFrom优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766

“When we become teachers, we find that it is much harder to ask questions than to answer them。 For to question well we must not only know the subject thoroughly but must also constantly interpret the mind of the pupil to discover what question next to ask, and whether he is mastering what we are teaching him。” ( George Herbert Betts, 2006: 17)

To question well is to teach well。 Skill in the art of questioning lies at the basis of all good teaching。 The question and answer is the fundamental medium of instruction, as we all recognize。 The topical recitation, the written lesson, and the lecture are aids and complements, but all good instruction centers around questioning。

The study of questioning in the classroom has already developed from the early studies of Rowe, Tobin and Lemke。 Recent foreign studies have shown that effective questioning benefits the knowledge construction of students。 (Christine Chin, 2006) Effective classroom questions are conducive not only to the construction of students' knowledge, but also to the professional development of teachers。 In recent years, communicative teaching, comprehensive teaching and dialogue teaching research has been taken seriously in China。 In the curriculum reform, the concept of dialogue has been introduced into classroom teaching。 This requires an equal dialogue between teachers, students, and texts in the teaching process。 To make the dialogue work, the question is the key。 Questioning is the most direct way of engaging students in classroom dialogue。 Questioning can effectively promote students' independent thinking。

Some domestic scholars have investigated the effectiveness of fifteen kinds of teaching behaviors, and found that questioning is lower than “often effective”。 (Yao Limin, 2005) This shows that although questioning is commonly used as a teaching behavior, the teacher is not good at asking questions, that is, the validity of questioning is not enough, teachers are lack the skills of questioning。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers' knowledge of classroom questioning and the behavior of teachers in the classroom by investigating the situation of real reading classroom teaching of English teachers in new curriculum。 On this basis, suggestions are made to help ordinary high school English teachers to make effective questioning strategies to promote the construction of students’ knowledge and to promote teachers' career development。

1。2 Research Questions

By using questioning to organize teaching procedure and to imply the knowledge in the process of answering the questions, the knowledge will serve students as a tool to solve practical problems。 In this way, it is particularly important to stimulate students’ interests in learning through questions in the classroom teaching。 According to the purpose of the study, three research questions are put forward:论文网

















