1) What is the current high school English teachers’ knowledge of questioning in reading class?

2) What is the current situation of questioning in English reading class in senior high school?

3) What is the main confusion of teachers in the use of questioning skills to carry out teaching?

2。 Literature Review on Questioning

In the past years, many researches focus on questioning。 As an important part in the teaching procedure, teachers’ classroom questioning affects the language learning effectiveness and the students’ academic performance。 This part displays some related researches and studies on questioning。

2。1 Questioning and Teaching

Using questions in teaching is not a new idea。 Articles on the subject of classroom questioning often begin by invoking Socrates。 Researchers and other writers concerned with questioning techniques seem to want to remind us that questioning has a long and venerable history as an educational strategy。 The Socratic questioning methods as a way of teaching and developing thinking was employed in ancient Greece。 At the new age, de Garmo linked the skill of teaching well with the effective use of questioning。 In his view, questioning has a lot to do with teaching。 To question well is to teach well。 Actually, in the skillful use of the question more than in anything else lies the fine art of teaching; for in it teachers have the guide to clear and vivid ideas, the quick spur to imagination, the stimulus to thought, the incentive to action。 (De Garmo,2010 )

Many others since Socrates and de Garmo have written about how to use questions as a tool of learning。 A number of writings in this area have looked at how questions are used in the classroom for reasons other than learning, most especially for controlling misbehavior。 (Cooper, 2013) In addition to its long history and demonstrated effectiveness, questioning is also of interest to researchers and practitioners because of its widespread use as a contemporary teaching technique。 Other researchers offer some interesting information on the number and types of questions used in classrooms。 In the average day, a teacher asks between 300 and 400 questions。 (Cotton, 2001) Research indicates that questioning is second only to lecturing in popularity  as a teaching method and that classroom teachers spend anywhere from thirty-five to fifty percent of their instructional time conducting questioning sessions。文献综述

Dr。 Romiett Stevens made a critical study of present day practice in the use of the question and answer recitation in typical schools in and around New York City。 The Question as a Measure of Efficiency in Instruction (Stevens R, 1912)。 Her study is not based upon cursory observation but upon real investigations。 “Black and white records of class work,” stenographic reports of regular lessons, and studies of different teachers' methods covering a period of four years made up her working basis。 The grades from the seventh through to the last year in high school were studied and always the teachers selected for observation were the best teachers in the school so that the results of the observations might reflect the work that is acknowledged to be above the average。

The number of questions asked of a single class in one day is larger than most of us would imagine。 Ten observations were made of selected classes, each class having been followed through the activities of an entire school day for the purpose of studying the nature of the question and answer stimulus in the   aggregate

as it is administered to school children daily。 The average number of questions for a day's activity is 395。 Obviously, when we consider that children in our schools are held by teachers collectively, to a performance of something like four hundred questions and four hundred answers every day, the employment of these questions must have a great effect, either for better or worse, on our teaching。

















