    摘要本课题希望通过错误分析法和对比分析法来研究济南方言对英语语音习得产生的迁移作用。通过调查问卷和语音测试相结合的研究方法,以济南外国语学校高一年级30名学生为受试对象,进行数据收集及分析。最终得出济南方言对英语语音的迁移作用:1.济南学生习惯于用短元音代替对应的长元音,如用/i/代替/i:/ 2.对于需要张大嘴巴饱满发音的开元音及双元音,济南学生的张口程度不够,这一方面导致发音错误如/ æ / 发成 / e/, 另一方面也导致双元音的发音不够饱满如/ ai / 3.对于济南方言中不存在而存在于英语中的音,学生倾向于用已习得的音去代替有发音困难的音如用/w/代替/v/ 4.济南方言中的儿化音帮助学生更好的习得美音中的/r/音 5.济南学生习惯性地在/t//d/等音结尾的单词发音的最后加上/u/ /ə/等元音。24308
    关键词  方言   英语语音习得   迁移作用
    Title  Transfer of Jinan Dialect on English Pronunciation Acquisition                                                 
    This thesis aims to study the transfer of Jinan dialect on English pronunciation acquisition through error analysis and contrastive analysis. The research data is collected and analyzed by questionnaire and pronunciation test, and 30 students from Jinan Foreign Language School (senior high school) grade one are selected as the participants. The transfer of Jinan dialect on English pronunciation acquisition is found out as the following: First Jinan students tend to replace the long vowels with the short ones like replacing /i:/ with /i/. Second open vowels and diphthongs, which need large openness of the mouth, can’t be pronounced well by Jinan students. So it results in pronunciation errors like mispronouncing / æ / as / e / and the diphthongs like / ai / can’t be pronounced correctly. Third for the sounds which exist in English but are absent in Jinan dialect, Jinan student tend to replace the absent sound with the sound they have acquired, for example they replace the /v/ sound with /w/. Fourth the r-ending retroflection in Jinan dialect helps the student to acquire the /r/ sound in American accent. Last Jinan students tend to add additional vowels like / u/ / ə/ to words ending with sounds such as /t/ /d/.
    Keywords   dialect   English pronunciation acquisition   transfer
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    2
    1.1 Research Background    2
    1.2 The subject of the Research    2
    1.3 The Scope of the Research    2
    1.4 The Significance of the Research    2
    1.5 The Organization of the Thesis    2
    2 Literature Review    2
    2.1 The Definition of Language Transfer    2
    2.2 The Phenomenon of Language Transfer    2
    2.3 Pronunciation Transfer    2
    3 Theoretical Frameworks    2
    3.1 Error Analysis    2
    3.2 Contrastive Analysis    2
    4 Research Design    2
    4.1 Participants    2
    4.2 Questionnaire    2
    4.3 Pronunciation Tests    2
    5 Findings and Discussion    2
    5.1 Confusable vowels    2
    5.2 Confusable Consonants    2
    5.3 Additional Vowels in Words Ending with Consonants    2
    5.4 Positive Transfer of R-ending Retroflection    2
    Conclusion    2
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