    摘 要古往今来,中西在恋爱观念上一直有着或多或少的差异。大体上,西方的恋爱观念趋向于自由开放,中国人的恋爱观念比较保守稳定,不过近些年来,伴随着经济全球化,国际交流的进一步加深,中国的恋爱观念也发生了很大的变化,逐渐的自由化,个性化,与世界的恋爱观念融为一体。本文就以《大男当婚》和《老爸老妈的恋爱史》为例,从影响中西恋爱观念的因素,中西恋爱各自特征以及中西恋爱观念的异同三方面对比分析中西方国家的恋爱观念,从而指导现代人树立良好的恋爱观念。24664
    毕业论文关键词:恋爱观 ;中西差异 ; 态度
    From the past to now, Chinese and western people have more or less different opinions. In general, the western concept of love tends to be free and open, the Chinese concept of love is conservative and stable. But in recent years, with economic globalization and the further deepening of international communication, Chinese concept of love has changed a lot, becoming gradually liberalized, personalized and combining with the concept of love of the world. Taking The Bachelor and How I Met Your Mother for example, from these three aspects, the influence factors of Chinese and western concept of love, respective characteristics of Chinese and western concept of love, and the similarities and differences between Chinese and western concept of love, this paper compares Chinese and western concept of love, so as to guide modern people to set up a good concept of relationship. 
    Key words: concept of love; differences between Chinese and western love; attitude
    The Comparison and Analysis of the Concept of Love in China and Western Countries: A Case Study of The Bachelor and How I Met Your Mother

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Factors Influencing People’s Sense to Love    2
    2.1 Geography and Customs    2
    2.2 Thoughts and Personality    4
    2.3 The Factor of Family    6
    III. The characteristics of Love in China and Western Countries.    8
    3.1 The Westerners    8
    3.2 Chinese    8
    IV. Similarities and differences between Chinese and Western Love    12
    4.1 The Ways of Love    12
    4.2 The Words to Express Love    13
    4.3 The Ending of Love    15
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I.    Introduction

    In ancient times, the young couples had no right to select the boyfriend or girlfriend. They should obey their parents’ arrangement. Many couples live together for life with even not having a chance to meet each other before. Let alone they can have a romantic story. If luckily, the man and wife feel good over a long period of marriage, and grow old together. If unfortunately, the two people just live together and have no feelings to each other. The ancient western hierarchy is also strict; they think the rich should live together but in the pursuit of love they are relatively much more bold and free. First of all, people have the right to choose spouses. Young adulthood can enter the social circle and take part in different kinds of dinner parties. On these parties young men and women can choose their own spouses.
    With the development of the times, people’s concept of love has experienced great changes, especially Chinese. They pursue free and personalized way of love, such as long distance relationship, the emergence of online dating. The way people express love is becoming open, sometimes even very natural, and sometimes even very aggressive. In our school there are such examples, in a sunny morning in the middle of the track, a boy holds a rose to propose to the girl whom he loves very much; Some girls even say “I love you.” to her boyfriend directly.
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