Abstract Marriage is a necessary experience for almost everyone。 Chinese women tend to pay much attention to men's financial situation and social status when choosing a mate。 They want to marry a rich and handsome guy。 It is normal for people to yearn for a better life, but once the marriage is involved with money and power, it will be likely to become the sacrifice of wealth and politics。 Thus,to establish a correct concept of marriage is the key to find happiness in marriage。 Due to the influence of Christian and Confucian culture, the concepts of marriage between Chinese and western women are distinctive。 Complementing each other is helpful for Chinese women to establish a correct concept of marriage, so that to get true happiness of family and marriage。77026

 Keywords: marriage concepts; Christian marriage; Confucian culture




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Comparison of Marriage Concepts between Chinese and Western Women 2

3。1 Differences in women’s concepts of marriage 2

3。2 Similarities in women' concepts of marriage 5

4。 The Role of Cultural Beliefs in the Shaping of Marriage Concepts 7

4。1 The source and connotation of Christian marriage 8

4。2 The influence of Confucian culture on Chinese contemporary marriage 11

5。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction 

Marriage is the basis of human ethics, and play an important role in social life。 Different Chinese and western cultural beliefs result in different views on marriage, especially reflected in women。 With the end of the feudal era, influenced by western culture, Chinese traditional views on marriage gradually changed。 At the same time of thought liberation, Chinese people's marriage concepts become more and more complex。 There is a hot debate on the complicate current marriage situation among the whole society。 How to lead the contemporary Chinese women to establish a correct concept of marriage? It has a great significance to do research on this subject。论文网

This thesis is based on the studies of the comparison of distinctions and similarities of marriage。 Then to analyze the similarities and differences between Chinese and western females’ concepts of love and marriage。 First is a brief review and summary of research on marriage, followed by the comparison of marriage concepts between Chinese and western women, finally analyzes the role of cultural beliefs in the shaping of marriage concepts。

2。 Literature Review

Many scholars has studied the marriage between Chinese and western culture。 Sun  Jianjun thinks that obvious differences exist in Chinese and western marriage。 First is the differences of the purposes of marriage。 Second is the different standard in choosing a spouse。 The last is the differences of relationship of the couple。 He points out that distinctive styles exist in different cultures。 (Sun 152) Gong Lixia suggests that Chinese and western marriage have their similarities。 She summarizes the recent general trend of marriage customs in Chinese and western two cultures。 First of all, the delay of marriage age。 Second, marriage custom is much simpler than in the past。 Third, the wedding is often a Kind of luxury。 Fourth, the formation of new marriage custom。 Fifth, naked marriage emerges at the historic moment。 (Gong 48) 

















