The research on Christian marriage is relatively less, but we can still find some works。 In nearly a decade, more and more scholars focus on the contemporary marriage life, discussing marriage problems, analyzing the root of all kinds of contradictions in marriage, thus to seek for a correct concept of marriage。 For example, Medieval Christian Marriage in Western Europe written by Liu Xincheng。 It introduced the formation and development of Christian marriage in details, and help us understand the nature of Christian marriage。 Besides, Sun yi's Theological Reflection on the Engagement as a Covenant has described the religious reformers’ concepts of marriage。 As for the studies of contemporary Chinese marriage, they are too numerous to mention one by one。 Such as Shao Fuxian's Marriage and Family in China and the works mentioned below。 They had analyzed contemporary Chinese marriage from different angles。 

To sum up, we can see that scholars has already done a lot of research on marriage。 Through the comparison of differences and similarities of marriage, they use their own way to discover the potential cultural reasons。

3。Comparison of Marriage Concepts between Chinese and Western Women 

Marriage, in a nutshell, is the view and attitude of marriage and family。 There is a great difference in marriage concepts between Chinese and westerners。 Westerners think that marriage is a personal affair and they brook no outside interference。 They also think one has the right to choose his or her partner。 In their points of view, it is cruel to force two people who do not love each other to live together。 In traditional Chinese concepts of marriage, the couple should love and live with each other forever。 This thesis will discuss the differences in marriage between Chinese and western women from three aspects that included in the concepts of marriage。 They are standards in choosing marriage partners, factors to sustain a marriage, and views on porce。 

3。1 Differences in women’s concepts of marriage 

3。1。1 Standards in choosing marriage partners

 Many western women advocate the absolute freedom of marriage, and mostly rely on their own preferences and feeling when choosing a mate。 If men and women love each other, have common interests and hobbies, they can then get married and have a family。(Yu 199)  While most women in China value economic conditions or potential power, such as money, background, status and position。(Yu life 139) In Shanghai, if a man wants to marry a woman, he needs to spend 12 years saving money without any expenses。 In Beijing, if a man wants to marry a middle-class woman, he needs 700,000 yuan。 In China, men with no house are at a disadvantage in choosing a mate。 What’s more, since the feudal society, the idea of "rigidity" has been popular。 It is culturally very strong, and rooted in the public that it is important to choose a marriage partner with similar economy, power, and family background。 There is rare example that the degree and economic conditions vary widely between husband and wife。 A famous sentence said by the contestant on “If You Are the One”: “I would rather cry in a BMW, rather than laughing on the bike” well reflects the standard and value orientation of contemporary Chinese women’s  concepts of marriage。

In comparison, in some western countries, women less value money and house。 Even if there is no house, they can also get married, and then two struggle together to buy a house。 The differences in family background, economic status, education, experience, and even religious beliefs would not probably be blocks in true love。 As long as they love each other, they can be couples。 Thus, a well-born girl is likely to choose a guy with markedly different background in the process of looking for her Mr。 right, because of being attracted by his humor。 The prince and Cinderella's romantic love story in the western fairy tale often happen in real life。 Britain's prince Charles finally chose Camilla a girl with ordinary background and appearance as his wife, because the two people have common character and interests。(Sun 152) Chinese women could not image the reason why western women do not care about houses and cars in such a highly developed economy。 western women, of course, also can't understand why Chinese women must married a man with a house。文献综述

















