    摘 要隐喻是提高表达效果的语言艺术,是人们在长期的组织,调整和应用语言的过程中形成的具有特定的结构和特定的含义,为社会所公认的语言模式,具有简洁,鲜明而生动的特点。无论是在文学创作中,还是在日常的生活交往中,我们都力求运用生动形象而鲜明的语言,准确地表达我们的思想,交流感情。当今随着社会的发展和人类的文明进步,隐喻的社会功能越来越明显。学习和正确地运用隐喻,在某种场合下,在书面和口头交流中显得越来越迫切。因而对我们来说只有学习和研究隐喻的应用,才能够帮助我们更好地运用语言,阅读和欣赏文学作品,以提高我们的语言文化修养。24863
    Abstract    Metaphor is a language art to improve the effectiveness of expression,and it is also a long-term process of organizing, regulating and applying languages. Metaphor is approved socially and has its definite structures and functions, whose language is concise, distinct and lively. Whether it is in the field of literary works or in the daily life, we all try our best to express our emotions and feelings effectively by using vivid, lively, and exact languages, to make to be impressive. Nowadays, with the development of society and progression of human civilization, the social functions of metaphor are playing an increasingly important role. To some extent, it is becoming increasingly urgent to learn and correctly use metaphor. Therefore, it’s necessary for us to learn and study the application of metaphor, to help us better use the language, read and appreciate literary works, finally, improve our language cultural cultivation.
    Key Words: metaphor;social functions;cultural cultivation
     An Analysis on Application of Metaphor in Daily Life
    摘 要...i
    Ⅰ. Introduction...1
    Ⅱ. Metaphor Analysis    3
    2.1 Definition of Metaphor    3
    2.2 Structure of Metaphor    3
    2.2.1 Source Domain and Target Domain    3
    2.2.2 Mapping    6
    2.3 Classification of Metaphor    6
    2.3.1 Metonymy    7
    2.3.2 Synecdoche    7
    Ⅲ. Metaphor in Daily Life    6
    3.1 Exploration of Colloquialism    6
    3.2 Appearance of Metaphor in Daily Life    6
    3.3 Features of Metaphor in Daily Life    7
    3.3.1 Universality    7
    3.3.2 Diversity    7
    3.4 Values of Metaphor in Daily Life    8
    Ⅳ. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    In recent years, metaphor stands out with an amazing speed in our daily life. Apart from linguists, other professionals like semanticists, cognitive linguists and philosophers also join the group in doing further study on metaphor, which has aroused a metaphoric revolution all over the world. This thesis mainly studies from the perspective of metaphor, arguing the extensive use of metaphors in daily life with several kinds of specific examples. By analyzing, we may deeply realize unique values of metaphors in the life. The ultimate purpose of this study is to construct interactive relation between metaphors and thinking modes, and then to explore the far-reaching impact of metaphors on people’s life. This thesis focuses on offering you certain enlightenment and reference value.
    In history, Aristotle is the first scholar to do some special researches on metaphor problems and try to explain the concept and essential of metaphor. In poetics, Aristotle indicated that metaphor word is a word belonging to other things.
        In 1980, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, two American scholars, stressed that in our daily life, we can see many examples of metaphor, we used to think and act is based on metaphor.
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