    Abstract The Joy Luck Club is the representative of Chinese American writer Amy Tan. The book write the four mothers and their daughters’ story, and main describe that the mothers suffered oppression in the old China and the daughters’ unfair treatment and discrimination in today’s USA. It aims to express the feminist consciousness, exploring Chinese American women’s pursuit of the independence, equality, and liberation in the special circumstances. This paper will analyze feminist from four aspects, such as the background introduction of The Joy Luck Club, the feminist’s development, women’s tragic fate under the patriarchal system, and the women’s revolt after their feminism consciousness awaken. This thesis hope to draw the social concern for the women, encouraging the broader women to keep positive attitude  
    towards life, and can pursue their own happiness bravely.
    Key words: discriminate; feminism consciousness; awakening
    摘 要...i
    I. Introduction......1
    1.1 Introduction of Amy Tan........1
    1.2 Introduction of The Joy Luck Club....1
    II. Feminism.......3
    2.1 The Rising of Feminism.....3
    2.2 Branches of Feminism....4
    III. Sexual Discrimination in The Joy Luck Club.........5
    3.1 Mothers’ Miserable Fate in The Novel......6
    3.2 Daughters’ Unhappy Marriage...........8
    IV. Feminine Initiative. ....10
    4.1 Awakening of Mothers’ Feminism Consciousness.......10
    4.2 Awakening of Daughter’s Feminism Consciousness.......12
    V. Conclusion14
    On the Analysis of Feminism in the Joy Luck Club
    I. Introduction
    1.1 Introduction of Amy Tan
    In 1952, Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California. Her father, John Tan who
    immigrated to the American from China to avoid the revolt of the Chinese Civil War. Amy’s mother, Daisy porced a rude husband but lost her two daughters. For the uncommon background of her parents who gave the special education to her provided a great deal of writing materials for Tan’s novel. Being raised up and educated in the western culture, young Amy found herself always beyond the reach of her parents’ hope, and the growth of Amy Tan was not smooth. Her elder brother Peter and her father John Tan died of brain tumors within eight months when she was only fifteen. Her mother Daisy Tan became out of mind more or less after going through the sorrow. Later, she believed that the misfortune was brought by the imbalanced geomancy of their house in Santa Clara, though she moved to Switzerland with her remaining two children. At Amy Tan’s high school, she was considered as an outsider because of her different background from the native student. She was very rebellious at that time because of the bad mood of losing her father and brother. She fell in with a group of drug trader and was arrested when she was sixteen years old. After being out of prison she even planned to elope to Australia with a mental patient who claimed to be a German army deserter. In the novel, the mothers wanted their children to have the best combination: American circumstances and Chinese character. In their eyes, the American circumstance provides the fair chance to everybody wherever you come from. At the same time the special features of Chinese character’s including flexible, easy-going and so on which can be suited to the American circumstance well. Amy’s mother also often argued about her college and career plans, which was same
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