    摘 要英语写作对于教师和学生来说都是一件极其费力的事情。学生实际运用语言能力差,汉语式表达充斥写作过程。本研究以Krashen的输入理论和Swain的输出理论为基础,对高中生的写作现状进行了剖析,并针对现存的问题,从英语报刊阅读如何激发学生的写作兴趣、扩大写作词汇和提高语篇组织能力这三个方面进行了分析,并发现可理解输入和可理解输出在二语习得中对学生表达技能的积极作用,最终得出结论通过英语报刊阅读可以提高高中生的写作能力。24865
    毕业论文关键词:英语报刊阅读; 写作兴趣;词汇学习;语篇架构
    For students and teachers, English writing is an extremely arduous thing. The students’ ability of applying language is not good and inter language is often seen in their English writing. This study is based on Krashen's input hypothesis and Swain's output theory, and makes an analysis of existing English writing problems from three aspects of the English newspaper reading in stimulating of ENR, vocabulary expanding and improving of textual organization. For such problems it is can be found that the comprehensible input and the comprehensible output will have a positive role in students’ expressing skill in second language acquisition theories. Finally, reached the conclusion that reading English newspapers can improve students' writing ability.
    Key words: English newspaper reading; writing interest; vocabulary learning; textual organization
    A Study on Developing Students’ English Writing Ability through English Newspaper Reading

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Theoretical Framework    2
    2.1 Swain’s Output Hypothesis    2
    2.2 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis    3
    III. Study on Improving Students’ English Writing Ability through ENR    4
    3.1 ENR Can Enrich Students' Productive Vocabulary.    4
    3.1.1 The Present Situation of Students' English Reading    4
    3.1.2 The Necessity of Integrating Writing with Reading     5
    3.2 ENR Can Arouse Students’ Writing Interest.    6
    3.2.1 The Present Situation of Students' Writing Attitude.    6
    3.2.2 Positive Effect on Developing Writing Interest from ENR .    7
    3.3 ENR can Enhance the Students’ Ability in Textual Qrganization.    8
    IV. Discussions and Findings on ENR    9
    4.1 The Importance of Positive Attitudes toward ENR    9
    4.2 The Positive Influence of ENR    10
    4.3 Major Findings    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
     I. Introduction
    English reading and writing has become an effective ways to get access to all kinds of information and international communication. Senior school students’ English writing is vital to their inpidual development. Take the National College Entrance Examination for example,students ‘average score in the writing part in 2013 was only about 13.85 out of the total score of 30 in Henan Province. The students’ writing ability is rather weak. In order to improve the teaching of English writing. Some scholars have done a lot of researches. However, few studies are focused on how to improve the senior school students’ writing ability by integrating English newspaper reading with writing. A substantial body of research has been devoted to the theoretical and pedagogic aspects of this area, exploring problems in students’ English writing and examining major barriers in the development of their writing ability. So far there have been many scholars to research this problem. Krashen has concluded that reading can promote language development because interesting and comprehensible input will result in language acquisition. Gardner has pointed out that a most effective way to produce large-scale vocabulary growth is through all activity-reading, providing more comprehensible input seems to be a more reasonable strategy. Since knowledge is a by-product of experience, extensive reading can help students increase their reading proficiency by developing a large sight vocabulary and text structure knowledge as well as their motivation to reading and writing.
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