    毕业论文关键词: 中学英语;阅读理解;阅读策略
    Reading is an important part of English learning. Reading can not only enlarge learner’ vocabulary, but also can improve their ability in English listening, speaking, reading and writing of English learners. But middle school students in China often have so many pitfalls in the process of English reading that restrict the improvement of reading ability. Therefore, to master the necessary reading skills and methods is particularly important. This article begins with the significance of reading and then makes basic description of the current situation of reading of middle school students. Secondly from the topic of the strategy and the process of how to improve middle school students’ reading ability, through specific training of reading strategies and reading skills that are introduced in detail, then analysis the influence on student's reading ability. At last, through the investigation and comparison then to summarized the impact on the students' English reading ability.
    Key words: Middle school English; reading comprehension; reading ability
    On strategy to Improve Students’ English Reading
    摘 要    ⅰ
    Abstract    ⅱ
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Present Situation of Middle School Students English Reading    7
    2.1. The Meaning of Reading    8
    2.2 Factors Affecting English Reading    9
    III. The Strategies and Methods of Improving Middle School Students Reading Ability    13
    3.1 Definition of Reading strategy    1 2
    3.2 Classification of Reading Strategy    1 2
    3.3 The Significance of Reading Strategy    17
    3.4 A Moderate Pace of Teaching    20
    3.5 Classroom procedures in strategy instruction    20
    IV. The Influence of Reading Strategies for Middle School Students’ Reading Ability    22
    V. Conclusion    23
    Bibliography    24
    Acknowledgments    25
    I. Introduction

    Since the 1970s, how students learn a second language has attracted great emphasis. Considerable interest has been paid to understanding the characteristic of language learners and the learning strategies they use to achieve success in language learning. In the second language learning, reading serves as the primary source of new information about all sorts of topics.
    In a view of the developments in second language reading research, Grabe(1991) points out that the crucial importance of the reading skill in academic contexts had led to considerable research on reading in a second language. The goal of most second language reading programs is to turn“learning to read” into “reading to learn” 
    For middle school students especially reading can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. Since our country joined the international organization, people have had a craze to learn English. English is the international language, so middle school students must learn English well. So it’s important for them to understand and use well it in daily life and study entry scores or have a better ability to work in the future life. so this related to the study skills of English. According to some people reading is a very simple matter. Readers move their eyes along the line, and the author's message appears somehow in your mind. When a person is highly skillful reader, it does seem that something like that takes place. However, the actual reading process is quite complicated. Try to think back when you were first learning to read, or observe a young child learning to read. It is a very difficult, complex, sometimes, painful process. Reduced to its simplest elements, comprehension is a part of the communication process of getting the thoughts that were in the author's mind into the reader's, but how does one reader get the idea clearly? It depends on the reading ability of the reader's. How can the readers make improvements in reading? There are many skills to improve one's ability of reading comprehension.
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