    摘  要游戏不仅具有娱乐性,也具有智力性。本文通过对游戏在小学低年级英语教学中利与弊的分析,提出了相应的合理可行的趋利避害的应对策略:课前游戏教学重在激发全部学生的学习热情;课中运用合适游戏,根据教育游戏的反馈作用,及时灵活的作出调整和改善,重在达成教学目标;课后运用游戏重在巩固和提升所学;坚持结果性评价和过程性评价始终如一的运用于游戏教学中。通过游戏教学可以有效激发小学生的学习英语的兴趣,吸引学生注意力,提高英语教学效率,从而实现在娱乐中学习,在学习中娱乐。24917
    Abstract Games are both recreational and intellectual. The paper provides proper strategies and solutions to the problems existing in games in English classes through discussing the advantages and disadvantages of games in English teaching from four aspects: before class, English game teaching focuses on stimulating the whole class’ enthusiasm; In class, English game teaching stresses on reaching teaching objectives through making adjustment and improvement timely according to the response of pupils; after class, English game teaching emphasizes the consolidation and improvement; process assessment should hold results assessment together in any case. English game teaching can stimulate learners’ interest effectively and pull their attention, improve the efficiency of English teaching, and eventually reach the more effective and more efficient class of learning in entertainment and entertaining in learning.
    Key words: games; lower grades; English teaching; application; effective teaching
    The Application of Games in the Lower Grades of the Primary School English Teaching
    摘 要i
    I. Introduction1
    II. The Brief Introduction to Games and English Games2
    III. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Games4
    3.1 The Advantages of Games in the Lower Grades’ English Teaching.4
    3.1.1 Motivating Learners’ Enthusiasm4
    3.1.2 Cultivating Learners’ Sense of Achievability and Confidence5
    3.1.3 Arousing and Digging Learners’ Potential.6
    3.1.4 Regulating and Impelling Teaching6
    3.2 The Disadvantages of Games in the Lower Grades’ English Teaching7
    3.2.1 The Failure of Stimulating the Whole Class’ Positivity of Participation7
    3.2.2 The Insufficiency of Teaching Objectives7
    3.2.3 The Poor Discipline of English Game Teaching8
    3.2.4 The Singularity of Evaluation9
    IV. The Strategies of Coping with the Disadvantages of Games10
    4.1 The Application of Games before Class.11
    4.2 The Application of Games in Class12
    4.3 The Application of Games after Class14
    4.4 The Diversity of Assessment15
    V. Conclusion17
    I. Introduction

    English curriculum standard points out: “The mission of English courses in basic education stage is to inspire and cultivate the students’ interest in English learning, form good learning habits and effective learning strategies, and build self-confidence” (Ministry of Education, par. 3). And the Requirement of Primary School English Teaching (Implementation) specifies that primary school English teaching should focus on activities according to the characteristics of the study of pupils (Ministry of Education, par. 10). Teachers need to make full use of the teaching resources and teaching activities to stimulate learners’ interest to learn English. In cultivating the interest of pupils, teachers often apply the English game teaching method into English class.
    Marc Prensky, the famous American game designer and educational expert points out that the revolution of learning in 21st century lies in a wonderful condition of learning in entertainment and entertaining in learning as well (324). The appearance of English Game Teaching Method, not only provided new approaches to improve quality of teaching but also accord with the new curriculum reformation which advocates the varieties and flexibilities of teaching methods, has poured fresh vitality into English classes. According to the physiological and psychological characteristics of the learners in the lower grades, whose nature is curious, active, larky, playful, the application of games in English teaching can stimulate learners’ interest, pull their attention, boost the positivity of involving classes and promote the sublimation of emotion and mood. As a result, classes with games can give pupils an opportunity to learn breezily, enjoyably, and firmly while playing, entertaining and involving. So, it’s of great importance to combine games with English teaching, which plays an important role in optimizing teaching effects for teachers and contributing to the effective learning for pupils.
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