    Abstract Chinese cuisine culture has a long history and is renowned overseas with its various distinct features. Such being the case, the English translation of the Chinese food is especially important. However, it is not an easy task to translate all kinds of dishes names accurately. As a result, the study of Chinese cuisine translation has not been taken seriously enough. The thesis, for the purpose of spreading Chinese cuisine culture, provides some differences between Chinese cuisine culture and western cuisine culture. According to some translation theory, the author comes up with some translation principles. And then puts forward some main translation methods. Chinese cuisine names reflect many connotations, the proper translation will promote the communication between China and west.
    Key words: translation theory; cuisine culture; Chinese cuisine names
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Differences of Diet Culture Between China and West    2
    2.1Differences in Selection of Ingredients    3
    2.2Differences in Cooking Methods    3
    2.3Differences in Composition and Setting of Dishes    4
    2.4Differences in Concepts of Food    4
    III. Principles for English Translation of Chinese Cuisine Names    6
    3.1 Correct Understanding of Chinese Cuisine Names    6
    3.2 Transmission of Source Culture    7
    3.3 Principle of Simplicity and Intergrity.    8
    3.4 Principle of Culture Equivalence.    9
    3.5 Consideration of the Taboos of English-speaking People    10
    3.6 Consideration of the Readers’ Acceptabilty     11
    IV. Suggested translation methods of cuisine names     12
    4.1 Literal Translation    12
    4.1.1 Literal Translation with People’s Name    13
    4.1.2 Literal Translation with Name of Place    13
    4.1.3 Literal Translation with Cultural Explanations    14
    4.2 Free Translation    14
    4.3 Transliteration    15
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    The English Translation of Chinese Cuisine Names and the Differences of Diet Culture Between China and West
    I. Introduction
    As we know, China has a long history and Chinese cuisine culture is renowned overseas with its various distinct features. Chinese cuisine names,as a window of Chinese cuisine culture,are actually an effective way to inform foreigners of China’s special cultural environment.
    This thesis attempts to work out some proper ways to translate Chinese cuisines names. In order to solve the problem, we should find out the differences of diet culture between China and west, the reasons why they have so many problems in English translation of Chinese cuisine names, and then the ways to communicate correctly. The following aspects are involved. On one hand, this thesis analyzes the principles of translation. On the other hand, this paper analyzes some methods of the English translation of Chinese cuisine names. The purpose of the paper is to find a proper way of English translation of Chinese cuisine names so that we can introduce our dishes to foreigners and bring it to the world.
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