摘要语言是一种交流的工具。英语在国际交流中起着不可替代的作用,英语学习更重要的在于能用英语流畅的交流。然而高中生在用英语交流时存在不同程度的障碍。本文以问卷调查的方式,调查了高中生英语口语学习中存在的障碍,从 “教”与“学”两方面分析原因,并对口语教学提出了解决策略。通过这次调查研究,可以使高中生更好的意识到自己口语方面存在的问题,从而帮助他们提高口语水平。24873
Abstract Language is a tool for communication. English plays an irreplaceable role in international communication. The most important of English study is to communicate in English fluently. However, high school students display a certain degree of communication obstacles when they are communicating in English. With the help of the questionnaire, the paper investigates the obstacles from the two aspects of “teaching” and “learning” in oral English learning. And then some strategies are proposed. Therefore, it can help students realize their obstacles in oral English and improve their ability of oral English.
Key words: oral English teaching of high school; obstacles; strategies
A Study on the Problems and Strategies in Oral English Teaching of High School
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. The Development of Oral English Teaching Methods 2
2.1 The Grammar-Translation Method 2
2.2 The Direct Method 2
2.3 The Audio-Lingual Method 3
2.4 Communicative Approach 4
III.Problems in Oral English Teaching 5
3.1 The Teachers’ Problems 5
3.2 The Students’ Problems 7
IV. Strategies in Oral English Teaching.9
4.1 Change Teachers’ Attitude towards Oral English Teaching 10
4.2 Improve the Quality of English Teachers10
4.3 Correct Students’ Error Properly . 10
4.4 Change the Method of Oral English Teaching 10
V. Conclusion 13
I. Introduction
With the globalization of the world economy and international communication, English has become more and more important. People have high enthusiasm in learning English. Oral English teaching and the ability of speaking English draw the attention of experts and teachers. However, students’ ability of speaking English is still very poor. The time devoted to activities in which students communicate with each other in English remains limited in English class. Whether the students can go to university mainly depends on reading and writing, instead of speaking, which is the main reason that the teachers and students pay little attention to speaking.
Learning a language is usually for communication. When a foreigner stands in front of you and talks with you, you must understand what he wants to express. So you can communicate with him successfully. One of the requirements of Course Criteria for General Senior High School English Teaching is “need to pay special attention to raising students’ ability to carry on thinking and expressing in English”, which makes it clear that “the purpose of English study is communication and expression.” It states clearly the importance of oral English ability for senior high school.
The paper focuses on why English teaching in schools is not effective to develop students’ English oral abilities. The paper also analyzes the obstacles and strategies in oral English teaching .
- 上一篇:高中生英语学习焦虑的影响因素及对策研究
- 下一篇:中餐菜谱的英译及中西饮食文化的差异