    摘 要《简•爱》是夏洛特•勃朗特的第一部小说自问世以来吸引了无数读者。作者善于用意象凸显小说主题。恰当的意象使用可以凸显作品的艺术审美价值。本文主要研究火意象在小说中不同场景下所具有的不同象征意义:愤怒与复仇之火、涅槃之火、生命之火、温情与爱情之火。本文期望通过对火意象的分析,可以让读者更深层地欣赏作品美感、解读作者复杂细腻的内心世界,从一个新的角度理解这部作品的主题。25102
    摘 要....i
    II.About the Author—Charlotte Bronte…..2
    2.1 The Biography of Charlotte Bronte…...2
    2.2The Background of writing Jane Eyre...2
    III.The Fire in Western Literature and Religiou…3
    3.1 The Function of Fire in Literatures3
    3.2 The Christianity Meaning of Fire...4
    IV.Analysis of Fire in Jane Eyre........5
    4.1The Fire of Revenge and Fury.5
     4.2The Fire of Life…..6
     4.3 The Fire of Love....8
    4.4The Metaphor of Fire…..9
    4.5The Fire of Nirvana10
    Acknowledgements 14
    Charlotte’s first novel was Jane Eyre, which had attracted millions of readers since its publication.The author is good at choosing images to stress the novel’s theme. The proper use of images may protrude the artistic aesthetic value of works.This paper discusses the images of fire, in various contexts of the novel: the fire of fury; the fire of nirvana; the fire of life; the fire of affection and love. Hoping through analysis of the fire images. It can make more readers have a deeper appreciation of the work’s beauty. And have a better understanding of the complex and delicate feelings of the author’s innermost world. As well as having a new pespective forward the theme of the novel.
     Key words: Jane Eyre; fire; images
    The Study on the Image of Fire in Jane Eyre
    Jane Eyre was Charlotte’s first novel, which was published posthumously in 1857, showing her sober reaction from the indulgences of her girlhood. Told in the first person by an English tutor in Brussels, it is based on Charlotte’s experiences there, with a reversal of sexes and roles. It presented an emotional woman with rich ideas who was fell in love with  Mr Rochester. Her love is reciprocated, but on the wedding morning it comes out that Rochester is already married and keeps his mad and depraved wife in the attics of his mansion. Jane leaves him, suffers hardship, and finds work as a village schoolmistress. After Jane hears Rochester’s call to her from across the heath, she returns to Thornfield and finds it burned to the ground. She learns that Bertha Mason set the fire and died in the flames; Rochester is now living at his home in Ferndean. Jane goes to him there, rebuilds her relationship with the somewhat humbled Rochester, and marries him. She claims to enjoy perfect equality in her marriage.
    In this novel, many images were used by the writer. The suitable use of images may protrude the artistic aesthetic value of works. The research on the forms of image in this novel is an important approach to analyzing the text –narration of novels.  Because of the different source of the thing, the contents that they include were  from different novels has different images. This paper mainly discusses the images of fire in various contexts of the novel and analysis the fire from four part: the first part introduce the author-Charlotte Bronte. the second part analysis the fire in western literature and religion. the third part analysis the fire in Jane Eyre. the forth part is conclusion. Hoping through analysis of the fire images. It can make more readers have a deeper appreciation of the work’s beauty. And have a better understanding of the complex and delicate feelings of the author’s innermost world. As well as having a new pespective forward the theme of the novel.
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