    关键词:化妆品广告 消费者审美观 翻译策略
    Title  Strategies about Translating English Advertisements of  Cosmetics under the Study of Consumer Aesthetic Psychology   
    Nowadays, the commodity circulation and cultural exchanges between countries are getting increasingly frequent. Foreign markets has also heavily put their cosmetics into China, placing scintillating advertisements into the television network among Chinese people. Under the situation where English is the most extensive international language over the world, how to translate advertisement has increasingly become the focus of attention in translation industry. During the process of English language’s trying to spread its own culture and to integrate into Chinese local culture, the translation strategies from English to Chinese play a very important role. And from the market factors considered in the process of translation, the consumer aesthetic psychology is a very important content in the process of advertisement translation which can not be ignored as a cater face of advertisement. Since the profit target is the consumer, to cater to their consumer aesthetic becomes the most important and basic premise to achieve the profitable result. A memorable cosmetics advertisement can attract attention only when they are consistent with the aesthetic expectation deep inside the audience’s heart, and thus be able to trade their business opportunities.
    Key words:Cosmetics advertisements  Consumer Aesthetics  Translation Strategies
     Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    1.1  Research Background    1
    2  Literature Review    1
    2.1     Research Objects    1
    2.1.1     Strategies of Translating    1
    2.1.2     Aesthetic Psychology of Consumers    2
    2.2     Previous Research of Those Two Theories    3
    2.2.1  Overseas Study    3
    2.2.2     Domestic Study    3
    3  Research Methodology    4
    3.1        Research Purpose    4
    3.2        Questions    5
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