    关键词  字幕翻译  功能主义翻译理论  《吉米•坎摩尔秀》
    Title   On the Subtitle Translation of Jimmy Kimmel Live   
            from the Perspective of Functionalist Translation Theory
    The advancement of the Internet has allowed many American TV shows to be introduced to China in an unofficial way. But the topics, including political news, entertainment updates and interviews, may be a barrier for the audience who are not familiar with them. Therefore, the subtitles are of vital importance. This thesis takes functional translation theory as its guiding theory and chooses the subtitles of Jimmy Kimmel Live as its research subject, whose translation strategies would be categorized and analyzed. The Skopos of the translator is also going to be pointed out and appropriate strategies for subtitle translation, supplement, omission, replacement and paraphrasing, are suggested for future reference when it comes to subtitling talk shows.

    Keywords  Subtitle translation  functionalist translation theory  Jimmy Kimmel Live
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    2    Literature Review    2
    2.1    Previous Studies on Subtitle Translation    2
    2.2        Previous Studies on Funtionalist Translation Theory    3
    3      Research Methodology    7
    4      Case Study on the Subtitle Translation of Jimmy Kimmel Live    8
    4.1 Supplement    ..9
    4.2 Omission    10
    4.3 Replacement    11
    4.4 Paraphrasing    12
    Conclusion    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    References    15
    1  Introduction
    With the advancement of the Internet, Chinese people have more opportunities to get access to the outside world. The introduction of American talk shows to China via Weibo or other media has allowed netizens to be connected to the rest of the globe. Jimmy Kimmel Live, the talk show this thesis centers on, is an American talk show that features political news, entertainment updates and street or celebrity interviews. The variety of the topics can create confusion if audience are not familiar with such topics. Therefore, subtitle reveals its importance under such context. A well-translated subtitle allows the audience to get the messages the show is trying to convey. But studies on subtitle translation, especially about talk shows, are few and far between in China. And a systematic regulation or norm has not been built up, either. This thesis analyzes the subtitle of Jimmy Kimmel Live from the perspective of functionalist translation theory in the hope of finding out what strategies a subtitle translator can use under the guidance of functionalist translation theory and whether these strategies can operate well with the constraints of time and space or not.
    Chapter one introduces the structure and objective of this thesis. Chapter two centers on previous studies on subtitle translation and functionalist translation theory. Chapter three is designated for research methodology. Chapter four presents case studies on subtitle translation of Jimmy Kimmel Live. Examples are analyzed and four corresponding strategies are concluded. Also, in this part, some translations that are seen inadequate or inappropriate by the author will be pointed out and corresponding modifications will be presented.
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