2。2 Teacher Talk in Class

In the academic domain, teachers’ classroom discourse is often addressed as “teacher talk”, however, there are many phases that express the same meaning of “teacher talk”, for example, teacher speech, teacher language in classroom, teachers’ instructional language and so on。 Among all those various names, “teacher talk” is most frequently used by scholars at home and abroad。 

According to Ellis (1984), teacher talk is the special language the teacher uses when addressing the second language learners in the classroom。 Teacher talk refers to the language the teacher use to connect teaching context and organize the activities。 Teacher talk is generally considered as a potentially valuable source of comprehensible input for language learners, which is essential for language acquisition (Krashen, 1981)。  源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Teacher talk can be pided into two categories: the organizing teaching language and imparting information language。 The former includes greetings, classroom question, interlanguage, transform language, assign homework language and the ending language。 The latter is mainly the teaching language when the teacher is imparting knowledge and information, asking questions and teaching problem-solving skills 

2。3 Error

Making errors is an inevitable part of requisition of a second language。 Different linguists viewed errors from different standpoints。 And here are some various definitions of errors: Coder (1967) hold that language refers to the regular patterns in the learner’s speech, which consistently differs from the target language model; Richard (1985) defined that error is the use of a linguistic item in a way in which fluent or native speak of the language regards as showing faulty or incomplete learning; Ellis considered errors as a deviation from the norms of the target language; James (1998) regarded error as an unsuccessful bit of language。 

When we talk about errors, it’s crucial to figure out the differences between the mistakes and errors。 Corder (1967) thought errors are related to competence while mistakes performance。 

James (2001) had a good understanding toward errors and mistakes:

“An error arises only when there was no intention to commit one。 If the learner is inclined and able to correct a fault in his or her output, it is assumed that the form he or she selected was not the one intended, and we shall say that the fault is a mistake。 If, on the other hand, the learner is unable or in any way disinclined to make the correction, we assumed that the form the learner used was the one intended, and that it is an error。” 

This distinction is quite clear and simple, however, it’s not easy in the practice。 Since it’s impossible to know the learners’ minds when they made those errors, actually it’s difficult to identify the incorrect usage is result of the failure of performance or the insufficient knowledge。 

The author tried her best the differ error and mistake accordingly, however there may be still some errors or mistakes which are put in the same label。 This study just focuses on the common characteristics of the grammatical errors made by English education students who are going to be teachers in the future。

2。4 Teaching Skill Contest of Education Students

The goal of cultivating education students is to cultivate qualified primary and secondary school teachers。 With the promotion of basic education curriculum reform and the implementation of new curriculum, there are much higher standards of professional quality and teaching skills for primary and secondary school teachers, at the same time, education students also face a fierce job competition and challenge。 Teaching Skill Contest of Education students is designed to sharpen teachers’ skills to adapt the basic education reform, improve their teaching skills, and enhance their practical ability。 Through a specific teaching link, it provides them with a very good platform for training teaching skills and improving professional competence。

















