Although our researchers has made great contributions in intercultural adaptation, we still have a long way to go for different inpiduals will have different experiences。 We need more works about intercultural adaptation in various cultures based on data and actual experience。 So we will concretely analyze the Sam’ s intercultural adaptation in the paper based on other scholars’ achievements。 By analyzing the problems and factors in Shanghai Calling, we hope to help sojourners improve their awareness of the cultural adaptation and increase their abilities of intercultural adaptation。

3。 The Theory of Intercultural Adaptation 

3。1 The definitions of intercultural adaptation文献综述

     As cultural contact and cultural collision increase, intercultural adaptation has become one of the hot topics in intercultural psychology research。 On the definition of intercultural adaptation, different scholars have different views。 American anthropologist Robert Redfield believes that “cultural adaptation is the cultural change of the two groups of different cultures in the process of continuous contact”。 Kim defines it as a dynamic process。 In the process, communicative inpiduals will establish or reestablish a relatively stable, mutually beneficial and functional relationship with these environments by repositioning the unfamiliar or changed cultural environments (Kim 31)。 In general, intercultural adaptation refers to the process of people moving from one culture to another。 After migrating to a new culture or country, people bring their existing thoughts, values, behaviors, and beliefs with them, but they also have to adjust to the new rules, societal norms, customs, and language。 In the process of intercultural adjustment, people embrace both their original cultural background and their new culture, and their values become multicultural。 

3。2 The models of intercultural adaptation 

Cross-cultural adaptation is an intricate process and many scholars have carried out extensive research on it, producing different model and theories and four of them are widely recognized by the academic circle。 They are Lysgarrd’s U-Curve Model, Rodriguez's Cultural Change Curve, Louis’ s Surprise and Sense-Making Model, and Kim’s adaptation Model。 The original and the most perfect way of understanding intercultural adaptation is the U-Curve Model, which is also known as cultural shock (Wang 45)。 Since cultural anthropologist Oberg first introduced the concept of "cultural shock" (culture shock) in 1960, intercultural researchers have been using this concept to track the issue of foreigners’ culture adaptation (Guan 340-341)。 So, we will mainly discuss the U-Curve Model in this thesis。 The basic view of the U-Curve Model is that when a person travels in other cultures, he will experience some difficult times to reach out to the sense of comfort and sense he felt before traveling (Hall 243)。 According to the U-Curve Model, sojourners may go through the honeymoon period, the crises or culture shock period, the recovery period and the adjustment period in intercultural adaptation (Oberg 177-182)。

















