Abstract Second language learning is a complex activity influenced by many factors。 In order to make learning a second language an easier thing, both learners and teachers have to have a better understanding of these factors。 Among them, affective factors are of the greatest importance in second language learning, and they directly or indirectly influence the acquisition of second language。 On the basis of applied linguistics theories, this paper mainly discusses three major groups of affective factors—attitude, motivation, anxiety,and some other affective factors and the reason why these factors may inhibit the process of second language learning。 It will mainly introduce the inhibition of attitude, the inhibition of motivation and anxiety。 At last, the paper figures out the way to make use of or avoid these affective factors to enhance learning。94795

Keywords: affective factors; second language learning; inhibition; attitude; motivation




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Introduction of Main Affective Factors In SLA 2

3。1 Attitude 2

3。2 Motivation 3

3。3 Anxiety 4

4。 Inhibition of Affective Factors and Respective Resolutions In SLA 5

4。1 Attitude and the resolutions 5

4。2 Motivation and the resolutions 7

4。3 Anxiety and the resolutions 8

5。 Other Affective Factors in SLA 9

6。 Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

With the development of globalization, there is more and more connection of science, technology, culture, education and other aspects between different countries。 In such an era, in order to keep up with the development of the whole world, it’s necessary for us to acquire a second language。 Factors that affect second language learning can be pided into external factors and internal factors。 External factors include language context and language distance while internal factors mainly refer to affective factors, like motivation, attitude and so forth。 Compared with external factors, affective factors play a more important role in second language learning。 As a result, in order to figure out how a learner can have a good master of a second language, linguists do a great amount of research on learners’ affective factors。 Among these researches, the most influential theory is Affective Filter Hypothesis proposed by Krashen。

This paper consists of six parts。 Part one is instruction。 In this part, it introduces the importance of affective factors。 Part two is literature review which introduces the theory basis of this part。 Part three gives an introduction of three major affective factors: attitude, motivation and anxiety。 In part four, this paper analyzes why these affective factors may inhibit learning and proposes some suggestions to make use of these factors。 Part five introduces some other affective factors。 And the last part is conclusion, which summaries the findings and limits of the paper。 This paper aims at discussing three main affective factors and the negative factors they cause in second language learning。 Meanwhile, it will find ways to make use of or avoid these factors。 

















