
    2.2 Reviews on the Study of Image-G Actualization Theory Abroad    5
    Ⅲ Image-G Translation Theory and Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems    7
    3.1 Definition of Image    7
    3.2 Definition of Image-G Theory    7
    3.3 Appreciation of Image-G Theory in Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems Translation    8
    Ⅳ Conclusion    15
    4.1Summary of the Image-G Theory    15
    4.2 Constraints on Image-G Actualization    15
    References    17
     Image Actualization in the English Translation of Li Qingzhao's Ci-poems: Perspective of Image Gestalt
    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Motivation and Methodology
    The translation of Ci plays a very meaningful role in spreading traditional Chinese culture. However, many scholars think that Ci is untranslatable. Robert Frost, a famous American poet, claims that poetry is what gets lost in translation, which denies the translatability of the poetry. The separation of content from the form mainly leads to the untranslatability of Ci. With the practice and studies on the English translation of Chinese classical Ci having been carried out from various perspectives in recent years, the acceptability of Ci has been promoted. Nevertheless , due to the irregular verses of Ci-poems and the latent melodies, there remains some some deficiencies in the English translation.
     To cope with the problems above, the thesis attaches great importance to the image actualization in the English translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems. As an unique part, image impedes the development of the Ci-poetry translation in a sense.
    In the year of 2002, Jiang Qiuxia gained insight into the issue then put forward the image-G based model, which not only dealt with words and structures of a literary text, but also took the interrelated textual elements as an image-G. In another word, the process of image-G actualization is just literary translation. The thesis will adopt the image-G theory to show us the image actualization in the translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems.
    1.2 The Purpose of the Study
    The thesis will apply image-G based model to explain the image actualization in the English translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci. The image-G provides a new theory for the acceptability of Ci, which makes translators fully use their initiative and reconstruct the image of Ci to master the whole of the text. The image-G theory provides a new prospective for translators to the English translation of Li’s Ci-poems. The theory takes the whole text as a integrity,rather than a disparately part, which offers a new translation theory to guide the translation of Ci. With the popularity of translating Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems, many people have translated her Ci-poems into English. However ,few of them are excellent . The thesis hopes to make some advice to the translation of Ci and better promote Chinese classical literature into the western world.
    1.3 Structure
    The thesis consists of four parts. Each part has its sub-parts with detailed information. Chapter one is introduction. In this part, it states the background information, the significance and purpose of the thesis. The structure of the whole thesis is also introduced. The second part is literature review, in which it covers the review on the translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems both from home and abroad. Chapter three is the theory elaboration part. It deals with the theory of image-G and case study of image-G theory actualization in Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems. It is the body part of the thesis. It analyzes Li’s Ci-poems to present us the image-G theory persuasively. The last part is conclusion. It not only deals with the summary of the whole thesis, but also states the constraints of the image-G theory.
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