    I would like to extend my gratitude to the following persons for their kind help and support during the whole process of studying and writing the thesis.
    First of all, I would like to express my great appreciation for my thesis adviser for her patient guidance and constant encouragement. She has talked with me several times face to face or via email during the whole thesis-writing process, discussing my creative studying idea and giving advise on my thesis revision. Without her help, this thesis could not have reached its present form.
    Second, I would like to thank all the other scholars who contributed a lot in studying and analyzing the book The Catcher in the Rye. Thanks to their great work, I was so inspired during the process of finishing this thesis.
    Third, special thanks for my friends who have sincere kindness to spend time and efforts on commenting on the first draft. Finally, I want to thank my parents for their consistent support and encouragement for my studies.
    Responsibility for any remaining errors is mine alone.
    摘  要

    读完《麦田里的守望者》, 可以感受到贯穿整个故事的其实是霍尔顿的孤独寂寞。一个十优尔岁的青少年,正在经历着人生非常重要的转折期,此时他需要来自长辈们的各种精神开导与支持。然而,无论是父母还是学校的老师都无法给予他任何精神上的帮助。最后,他无可奈何地选择再次逃避,去更大的纽约寻找精神寄托。只可惜,纽约之行让他遭遇了形形色色的人和事,使得他对整个社会更加厌恶。同时,霍尔顿自身感受到了精神空虚以及虚伪的社会带给他的痛苦,于是他想尽办法希望可以为纯真的孩子们守护住最后的美好。 在霍尔顿看来,只有孩子的世界是美好的、纯真的,也是唯一让他感到幸福的地方。可惜,霍尔顿心有余而力不足,同时由于自身性格敏感复杂,导致他无法实现成为一名麦田里的守望者的梦想。霍尔顿的故事具有典型性,他的精神状态也代表二战后美国年轻人的精神状况。孤立无援的霍尔顿最终不得不放弃斗争,故事成了悲剧。5197
    The Catcher in the Rye was the American writer J.D.Salinger’s first and the only full-length novel, which had brought him a great reputation. Ever since its publication, this book attracted controversy. The author created a lonely and rebellious teenager image. The novel recalled the protagonist Holden’s three days in New York after being kicked off for the fourth time from school. From his interactions with different people, we can analyze his spiritual world from different angles. Meanwhile, this story can more or less reveal the general psychological situation of American teenagers at that time.
    It’s obvious that Holden’s loneliness and rebellion is the main clue of the whole story.  As a 16-year-old teenager, he was experiencing the most important period of his life. He needed spiritual guidance and support from elders. However, neither his parents nor teachers from his school could give him any useful mental help. Finally, he had no choice but to escape. This time he went to New York, a big and unfamiliar city, for help. Unfortunately, the New York trip only made him feel more disgusted about the society. As the same time, Holden realized how much pain the hypocritical society and the mental vacancy brought to him. Therefore, he made up his mind to try his best to protect the innocent and beautiful world belonging to all children, which was the only pleasant place in his eyes. And also he was truly happy only when he was with children. Unluckily, owing to Holden’s limited ability and his complicated personality as well as the strong sensitivity, his dream of being a catcher in the rye could never come true. In addition, what’s worth mentioning is that Holden’s story was typical enough to represent the general spiritual condition of American teenagers after World War II. Helpless Holden had to give up struggling at last. And this means that the story is a tragedy.
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