    《环球时报》是人民日报社主办的国际新闻报纸,其中第优尔版“关注中国”栏目刊载了大量外国媒体中与中国有关的报道,包括正面报道与负面报道,其中多数都与我们的生活有着密切的关联。本文拟通过选取2011年9月至11月《环球时报》第优尔版“关注中国”栏目中转载自英文报刊的新闻语篇作为语料收集对象,与其英文原文进行对比分析, 通过研究《环球时报》中对外刊报道翻译的取舍和处理,揭示文化信息和意识形态的运作方式。并通过对其中存在的译文与原文的差异之处实行分类对比与定性研究,并通过例证分析的方法研究其中典型案例的特点与共通性,最后对每一类差异在译文中出现的频率进行数据统计,最终运用新闻传播学相关理论进行定性研究。5204
    关键词  环球时报   外刊报道   翻译偏差
    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   Analysis of the Deviation in the Translation of English Reports on the Global Times
    The Global Times is a daily Chinese tabloid under the auspices of the People's Daily newspaper, focusing on international issues. The 6th page of the newspaper, with the name of Focus on China, differentiates itself from other pages through its unique angle of view. It tends to draw the outline of China’s image in the eyes of the international society by reprinting reports and dispatches, both positive and negative ones, from foreign media. This paper plans to select the news discourse reprinted from English media and newspapers in the 6th page of the Global Times from the period between September, 2011 and November, 2011 as the subject for analysis, and ultimately unveiling the role of ideology and cultural implications in the subject by analyzing the processing of English reports done by editors and translators from the view of journalism and communication.
    Keywords   Global Times;   Foreign Reports;   Deviation in Translation;  

    Table of Contents

    1  Introduction .5
    1.1  Background Information...5
    1.2      Research Design....................5
    2  Previous Studies....6
    2.1  Previous Studies from the Perspective of Translation Theories ...6
    2.2  Previous Studies from the Perspective of the Framing Theory...7
    3  Theoretical Framework...7
    3.1  Framing Theory..7
    3.2  Framing in Mass Media...8
    3.3  Two Predominant Types of Framing in Media Research....9
    4  Analyses of Translation Deviations in Reprinted Reports10
    4.1  Analysis by Causes.10
    4.2  Analysis by Methods..............14
    4.3  Analysis by Frames..17
    Conclusion ...20
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Background Information
    As a daily Chinese tabloid under the auspices of the People's Daily newspaper, focusing on international issues, the Global Times differentiates itself from other Chinese newspapers in part through its more populist approach to journalism, coupled with a tendency to court controversy rather than suppress it. Being one of the two newspapers authorized to legally reprint foreign reports in mainland China, large numbers of translated versions of foreign reports and dispatches can be found on it, which lets it stand out as one of the most influential news media in the country.

    One of its most unique features is to view the world from the perspective of varied angles, covering various kinds of international affairs related to China, reflecting the interaction as well as blending between China and the rest of the world, thus vividly demonstrating the complexity and abundance of the world, further broadening the sight of its readers. However, apart from other pages, the 6th page of the newspaper, with the name of Focusing on China, possesses a distinct attribute, which lies in its almost opposite angle to the rest of the pages. (Wang Lingning, 2009) The 6th page tends to draw the outline of China’s image in the eyes of the international society by reprinting reports and dispatches from foreign media, which makes it an ideal subject for research and analysis.
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