
    4.3.3 Media Frame and Inpidual Frame
    As is illustrated in chapter 3.1, Goffman understands the concept of the Framing Theory from the media frame and the inpidual frame. The former means the words, phrases, images or ways of expression that the transmitter of information adopts when conveying information to the audience, while the latter means the preset notions and concepts already built in reader’s minds.

    The processing of foreign reports and the accepting or abandoning of contents during the course of translation can thus find its theoretical foundation partly in these two layers. While differences exist between translated and composed reports, the role and the relations of four subjects- the transmitter of information, the audience, the source of information and the processed information- remain unchanged in this matter, which corresponds to the two layers of the Framing Theory. The translator acts as the transmitter of information, while readers, English reports and translated reports act respectively as the audience, the source of information and the processed information. The translator processes the reports to help to the conveyance of meanings, or to tag them with some kind of tendencies before finally conveying the processed information to readers, the course of which fits the illustration of the transmission of news and information by the Framing Theory.

    To sum up, according to the two layers, or two frames of the Framing Theory, the way of processing the original report by translators obviously corresponds with the media frame, while the recognition of readers, or the audience, of the processed/translated report corresponds with the inpidual frame.

    This paper first gives an introduction to the previous studies in translation deviation as well as the view from the perspective of the Framing Theory. Then this paper integrates the theoretical structure of the Framing Theory into the analysis of translation deviations in translated news reports, unveiling the causes, methods and features of translation deviation in a much broader sense than in the mere sense of translation theories.

    This paper analyzes the subject in three various angles: the causes, the methods and the frames. Firstly, the cause of translation deviation can be analyzed as three categories: political sensitivity, prettification reasons and better understanding. All of the three categories correspond with the frame building theory, which deals with the elements that influence the building of frames. Secondly, the methods used in intentionally caused deviations include deletion, expansion and modification. The three methods can also be analyzed in terms of the frame setting theory, which concerns the compatibility between the media frame and the inpidual frame. Finally, translation deviation is illustrated from the angle of the equivalency and emphasis frames, as well as the two layers of media frames proposed by Goffman.
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