
    (4) Original text (the Wall Street Journal, September 2nd, 2011): In Africa, U.S. Watches China's Rise
    Translated text (the Global Times, September 3rd, 2011): 非洲推崇中国发展模式
    In this example, the relatively hostile attitude of the US government towards the rise of China’s influence in Africa mentioned in the text is somewhat omitted and ignored, turning the report into one written just to praise China for its advanced developing mode.

    See example (5)
    (5) Original text (the New York Times, September 1st, 2011): India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice
       Translated text (the Global Times, September 1st, 2011): 印度什么都爱跟中国比
    In this example, the original report has its focus on the potential economic competition between China and India in economic growth as well as economic aggregate, while the translated text leads to an relatively negative and somewhat immature image of India, which conversely elevates the status of China in this news discourse.

    4.1.3 Deviations for Better Understanding
    Despite the two causes of deviation mentioned above, which maintains the basic truth of the news discourse but still slightly twists the original meaning of the news discourse and inevitably prevents the readers from obtaining the true substance of the reports, some deviations occur merely in order to allow for better understanding of the text as well as makes for more smooth reading, as is shown in the example below:

    (6) Original text (the Yale Global Online, October 12th, 2011): Laos’ Spanking New Road to Nowhere
    Translated text (the Global Times, October 14th, 2011): 湄公河大桥凸显中老关系复杂
    In this example, the title is altered to a more obvious version which sticks more closely to the text than the original title. Though the original title seems to be more lively and vigorous than the translated version, it may cause some difficulties in reading due to the cultural differences between Chinese readers and English readers. The original title didn’t mention much of the content of the text, which may prove hard for Chinese readers to quickly capture its meaning. The distinct reading habits of Chinese and English readers have made it clear that different approaches should be taken when composing a more localized title.

    In the same report mentioned above, a large portion of the text is deleted from the translated version, which seems to be unscientific at first sight, but when further analyzed, the reason for the deletion becomes clear and understandable, because the deleted content mainly illustrates the geographic features of Lao, which has no direct link to the main topic of the text. As the substance of the text is to talk about the problems currently happening on the bilateral relation between China and Lao, the deletion of irrelevant content is obviously understandable, without altering the main idea of the news discourse.

    To sum up, the examples illustrated from the perspective of the causes of deviations can be analyzed as dependent variables, which have to do with the frame building theory mentioned in chapter 3.2. Among the three aspects leading to the building of the frame, the examples listed in chapter 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 are obviously correspondent with the aspect of political influence, for they mainly emerge from political needs, while the examples in chapter 4.1.2 have to do with the aspect of journalist norms, for they are modified in order to give readers a briefer and clearer expression, which makes for more objectivity than the examples in the previous two chapters.

    On the other hand, the five elements mentioned in the frame building part in chapter 3.2, namely larger societal norms and values, organizational pressures and constraints, external pressures from interest groups and other policy makers, professional routines, and ideological or political orientations of journalists, are all included in the examples. These elements affect how journalists frame a certain issue. As can be seen from the examples, maintaining a positive image of the nation is undoubtedly correspondent with larger societal norms and values, with its source coming from organizational pressures and constraints, external pressures from interest groups and other policy makers, professional routines, and ideological or political orientations of journalists.
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