
    To sum up, the means adopted in the course of intentional translation deviation can be analyzed in terms of framing setting, which is first introduced in chapter 3.2. According to the theory by Inyagar, the effect of media frames that the authors have intended to convey to the readers depends on what is in the readers’ inpidual frames. (Iyengar, 1991) Simply speaking, the more the readers have in common their minds with the basic elements of the news report, the more effective the frames will be. As can be seen in the analyses of the means of deviations above, deletion, expansion and modification can all be applied to the notion of framing setting.

    Firstly, with the function of getting rid of unnecessary or sensitive content, deletion can be viewed as a means of deleting the content that is incompatible with the preset frame in the readers’ minds. In the example illustrated in chapter 4.2.1, the target readers can be presumed as being used to a strictly-censored news environment, and the perspective that news should be free from politically- sensitive content is thus deeply engraved in their minds. Therefore, deleting this kind of content can be considered as a way of improving the compatibility between the news frame and the inpidual frame.

    Secondly, expansion can also be viewed in the same way as deletion. Adding content that is already set in the inpidual frames of readers during the course of translation, which is embodied as the adding of an idiom which is generally prevailing in the Chinese language but can find no counterpart in the English language in the example in chapter 4.2.2 is obviously a means of improving compatibility.

    Finally, modification is also able to be analyzed from the above two perspectives, with its function of altering sensitive content and changing the form of the text into a more understandable way.

    4.3 Analysis by Frames
    4.3.1 Equivalency Frames
    As is illustrated in chapter 3.2, frames can also be analyzed as two predominant ones: equivalency and emphasis frames. Equivalency frames offer "different, but logically equivalent phrases," as is shown in the example below:

    (10) Original text (the Huffington Post, October 12th, 2011): Foxconn runs a modern version of a labor camp in China, where 1% of China’s labor population is cramped on one single location.
    Translated text (the Global Times, October 14th, 2011): 富士康在中国管理着一个现代化的劳动集中营,约30万的中国人挤在一处干活。
    In this example, equivalency frames are implemented to alter the tone of the text. The original text mentioned “1% of China’s labor population”, while the translated version makes it “30万中国人”. Though the logical meanings of them are identical, the latter, however, is apt to create an impression of shock by providing huge numbers, while the mere percentage presented in the former somewhat does not have the same effect, for it’s relatively weaker in tone.

    4.3.2 Emphasis Frames
    Another type of frames that differ from the equivalency frames are the emphasis frames. According to their definition, they offer "qualitatively different yet potentially relevant considerations", which mainly deals with the tone, or atmosphere, of the report.

    In the same report used in chapter 4.3.1, emphasis frames are also implemented to render an atmosphere of condemnation. Though only several adverbs which modify the degree of verbs in the report are deleted, the stress point of the whole report has been changed completely. For example, in the original text, it only mentions that the burdens on Chinese labor workers are relatively heavier than those ten years ago. However, in the translated version, the word “relatively” is ignored and not translated, thus subconsciously deepening the tense of the whole report, successfully creating an atmosphere which the journalist has intended to create.
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