    Abstract:The Thorn Birds is an attractive novel. Its charm comes first from its theme: love and fate. The book describes a legendary history about Cleary family. The story began in the early twentieth century, and ended in late 60s and early 70s half a century later, and the story started from the call of childless noble woman Mary Carson, she invited her younger brother Paddy to come to her sheep farm in Australia and brought his seven children, and it ended up with Paddy’s only survived grandchild Justine—— the brilliant actress decided her way of life and love in a distant foreign land. The story took the love between heroine Meggie and Ralph as the main line, and described the complicated emotional journey and life experience of the Cleary family’s three generations——Fiona, Meggie and Justine, and shaped three women who dare to fight against the fate and social customs, dare to pursue the ideal of love. It showed the spiritual beauty and the beauty of human nature of self awakening, growth and surpass the fate in suffering under the circumstance of partriarchal pepression。 In my paper, I analyzed Fiona, the first female generation of Cleary family in detail. Her submissive attitude to fate and she was firm to love and never back down; I lay stress on Meggie, the second generation of Cleary family, she kept pursuing and struggling, and that reflected her view points of love—— love is above all; Justine, the third generation of Cleary family, was different from her mother or grandma, she was unique and independent from male and love, and she was the winner in this story, finally, she got her happiness and career. I came to a conclusion of Justine’s view of love towards her hesitation and doubtful attitude at first and finally believed love in Reina’s persevering pursuit. Meanwhile, Justine never leaned on men or love, she did all her decisions by her own, she emphasized independence, and she set a good example for modern female.28037
    Key words:  love and fate;the life choices of three heroines;sense of value;research contents; literary value
    摘要: 《荆棘鸟》是一本富有魅力的小说。它的魅力首先来源于其主题——爱情和命运。该书描述了克利里家族三代人的传奇历史。这个故事发端于二十世纪初, 落幕于优尔十年代初至七十年代初,横跨半个多世纪。小说从帕迪应膝下无子的贵夫人玛丽*卡森之邀,带着他的七个子女来到澳大利亚的德罗海达牧场开始讲述,结束于帕迪唯一的孙辈朱思婷——一位才华横溢的女演员在遥远的异国他乡确立了自己的人生道路并找到属于她的幸福。在这个故事中,作者把女主人公梅吉和神父拉尔夫之间的爱情作为主线,描述了克利里家族三代女性——菲奥娜,梅吉和朱思婷——复杂的情感路线和人生经历,刻画了三名勇于与命运和社会习俗相抗争,敢于追求自己理想爱情的女性形象。展示了女性在父权制压抑环境下的自我觉醒,成长甚至是超越命运的精神之美和人性美。在论文中,笔者详细地剖析了克利里家族第一代女性菲奥娜对命运的逆来顺受以及对爱情的坚定和义无返顾;着重描写了第二代女性梅吉不断追求,不断抗争的人生选择,得出梅吉爱情至上的价值观;克利里家族的第三代女性朱思婷,不同于她的祖母和母亲,她特立独行,不受男人和情感牵绊,最终赢得了属于自己的幸福和事业。笔者从其人生选择中归纳出她对爱情最初持犹豫、怀疑的态度,最终在雷纳的锲而不舍追求下开始相信爱情的态度。同时朱思婷并不依附于男人和感情,她要强自立,把事业作为自己的立身之本,树立了新时代女性的楷模。
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