    Abstract:As the originator of American poetry and the pioneer of Western modern poetry, Emily Dickinson, together with Whitman, opens the door of modern poetry and guides the later generations to explore the colorful world. Her poems reflects her life and the society she lives in. She not only expresses her emotions but also feels, thinks and lives through her poems. Her poems has unique styles and special images through which she expresses profound connotations. She challenges the tradition and breaks the routine by her poems. And that partly causes many controversies on her works when she was alive. But when she was dead her works were widely praised. After the publish of the first comprehensive edition of Dickinson’s poetry, researchers began to study on her poems from different prespectives, including linguitics, psychology, feminist criticism and so on. And they have achieved a lot. However, the domestic study of Dickinson starts late and the current translation works of her poems are not enough, which contributes the limited further study. And studies from the perspective of feminist criticism are even less.28038
      Therefore, this essay based on several theories about feminist criticism, focusing on Dickinson's poetry, makes analysis on feminism in Emily Dickinson’s poems from various elements of poetry. First of all, this paper introduces the various elements of poetry, including voice, imagery, figures of speech, meter, rhythm, line, stanza, rhyme and theme. The second part analyzes Dickinson 's female consciousness from persona, imagery, dash and rhythm. The third part starts from the theme, focusing on analyzing the feminism embodied in Dickinson's death poetry, natural poetry and religion poetry. 
      Through the feminist interpretation of Dickinson's poems, we found that Emily Dickinson created a world of herself through poetry, which is not only away from the society but also from the whole patriarchal system. Although she may not be aware of it, but inadvertently she has become a feminist with high resistance. And our feminist interpretation of Dickinson's poetry is not only an understanding of Dickinson, but also makes contributions to the development of gender equality in modern society.
    Key words: Emily Dickinson;feminism;poetry 
    摘 要:作为美国诗歌以及西方现代诗歌的先驱者,艾米莉•狄金森和惠特曼一起打开了现代诗歌的大门,指导后世进一步探索五彩纷呈的世界。艾米莉的诗歌反映了诗人的生活以及她所生活的社会。她不仅通过诗歌宣泄情绪,更通过诗歌感受,思考和存在。她的诗歌往往以独特的风格和奇妙的意象表达深远的思想内涵。由于她挑战传统、打破常规的创作方式,她的作品再她生前受到许多质疑,在她逝世之后才得到肯定。1955年,第一版较为完整的狄金森诗歌出版以后,学者们开始从不同角度对狄金森的诗歌进行分析,包括语言学,心理学,女性主义文学批评等,并取得了丰硕的成果。然而国内对狄金森研究起步晚,目前诗作翻译也不够全,进一步研究受到限制,从女性主义文学批评角度进行分析的成果更少。
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