
    2.2.2 Influence on People’s Life Attitudes and Values
       As a kind of social consciousness, advertisement has reflected certain life attitudes and values. So when the advertisement has been transmitted to consumers incessantly, their life attitudes and values will inevitable be influenced by them. This influence can be positive or negative; it depends on the values reflected. For example, if the advertisement has reflected the optimistic and conscientious values, the consumers will tend to absorb and internalize them and then become the real practitioners of them. If the advertisement has implied passive, selfish and lazy attitudes, the receptors of this information may become passive and negative unconsciously. Good advertisement slogans can infect people, for example, the Aucma refrigerators’ slogan “have no best, only better” can stimulate people to keep discontent attitude and always surpass themselves; the Titus watches’ “Ever do not care, only about once” have touched numerous girls and boys to chase for their love bravely (Jin, 2013). These advertisements have all presented positive spirits, so they have been kept in mind by many people. And as we all know, the language of advertising is the crucial factor in advertisements, thus the advertising language is part of the languages, and I decide to study the collectivism and inpidualism, which are considered the core values, from the advertising language used in advertisements in western countries and China.
  1. 上一篇:电视访谈节目《非常静距离》中违反合作原则现象的研究
  2. 下一篇:从互文性解读《傲慢与偏见》的小说和电影版本
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