    摘 要寒暄语一词是由马林诺夫斯基在1923年第一次提出。他对新几内亚人的交际方式进行考究,发现了人们之间的交际方式是为了营造轻松自然的交谈氛围,以免陷入尴尬的境地。本文采用定量的研究方法对英汉寒暄语的差异进行分析,并且就如何促进人与人之间的交流给出建议,即不问别人隐私类的问题,尊重他国的寒暄用语习惯等。由此可见,寒暄语与国家间的文化是密不可分的。本文试从文化角度理解并恰当使用中英寒暄语,以便更好地在跨文化交流方面进行探讨。29238
    毕业论文关键词:寒暄语; 交际; 文化
    Abstract In 1923, Malinowski put forward the phrase, which is firstly called phatic communion. He made a detailed survey about communication of New guineans. Through this survey, he found that the way people communicating created relaxing and  natural atmosphere. And also this kind of communication avoids people’s embarrassment. This paper adopts the quantitative approach. The author makes a survey concerning about differences in phatic communion between English and Chinese and offers some suggestions about how to improve their communications. For example, one should show respect to the usage of phatic communion in others’ countries and shouldn’t ask private questions of others, etc. As mentioned above, the usage of phatic communion shares a close relationship of nation’s culture. Only by understanding how to handle and apply the phatic communion from the respect of culture properly can one improve the cross-cultural communications. 
    Key words: phatic communion; communication; culture
    Analysis on the Phatic Communion Between Chinese and English
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Background of the Phatic Communion    2
     2.1 Definition and Origin of the Phatic Communion    2
     2.2 Functions of the Phatic Communion    4
     2.3 Purposes of the Phatic Communion    4
     2.4 Basic Forms of the Phatic Communion    5
      2.4.1 The Style of Greeting    5
      2.4.2 The Style of the Inquisitorial    6
      2.4.3 The Style of the Comment    6
      2.4.4 The Style of the Retrospective    7
    Ⅲ. Comparison Between Chinese and English Phatic Communion    8
     3.1 The Phatic Communion in China    8
     3.2 The Phatic Communion in Britain    8
     3.3 Differences of Phatic Communion in a Politeness Theory    9
    IV. Different Translation of Phatic Communion    10
     4.1 The Influence Brought by Ways of Life    10
     4.2 Influence Brought by Different Cognitive Style    11
     4.3 The Influence Brought by Different Values    12
     4.4 The Translation of Phatic Communion    13
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    I. Introduction
    As the old saying goes, language is the primary medium to transmit a culture’s beliefs, values, norms and worldview. Phatic communion is an auxiliary language in social engagement. It can shorten the distance between communicators and maintain a good personal relationship with others. It is the real presentation of social life and culture. The linguist put forward the phatic communion in 1923. He found out that the communication among different persons not only provides some information but also acquires some information. On the other hand, some types of communications create a good atmosphere or maintain a social contact. As for this, it is just a kind of behavior. The meaning of the language comes from the atmosphere of social communication.
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