    关键词  中国   形象   西方媒体   报道   批判话语分析
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  A Critical Discourse Analysis of China’s Image in American Media
    In the past few years, with the substantial improvement of China’s international status, China gains an increasing amount of attention from worldwide media. During this process, various sorts of negative reports surfaced. Western media, represented by American media, made numerous inaccurate interpretations about China’s political system, economic development and human rights circumstances, which, to a large extent, tarnished China’s national image and international reputation.
    This thesis takes a critical discourse analysis approach and collects two typical samples reports about Wukan event. On basis of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar, the essay adopts a text analysis method to critically analyze the linguistic devices, such as modality and transitivity, which are involved in the news coverage of American media, in an effort to uncover the status quo that American media distort the fact and vilify China’s image and provide reference to readers in an effort to critically evaluate these reports.
    Keywords   China   image   western   media   reports   CDA
    Table of Contents    
    1  Introduction .1
    1.1  Need for the study...1
    1.2  Research Questions and Significance of the study..........2
    2  Literature Review2
    2.1  National Image2
    2.2  Critical Discourse Analysis3
    2.3  The Analytical Method of the Study8
    3  The Critical Analysis of News reports: a case study9
    3.1  Lexical Classification11
    3.2  Transitivity12
    3.3  Transformation14
    3.4  Modality16
    3.5  Intertexuality 17
    4 Conclusion ...19
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Need for the Study
    The advance of technology renders the news media a crucial platform for people to approach this more and more integrated world. However, it has long been argued that mainstream media is not necessarily a reflection of social reality. In fact, various economic, political attitudes and values are frequently involved in news reports which directly distort the media to run its course of providing objective and fact-based reports. The complexity of reporters’ intention beneath news coverage highlights the importance of independent thinking of a news reader.
    For more than thirty years, China has been enjoying an eye-catching economic development which dwarfs any other single country in the world. The frequency of its presence in the reports of major international media depicts a substantial improvement of its international status. However, as a coin has two sides, the negative impact of this “popularity” also became increasingly visible. Many negative and stereotyped images are imposed on China, intentionally or inadvertently.
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