    关键词   礼貌原则;文化差异;中西对比
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title: Cultural differences between china and the west on politeness principles
    With the rapid development of science and technology, people from different countries and cultural backgrounds are making more and more communications. Thus more and more attention has been paid to what politeness is and how to be polite in cross-cultural interactions. Otherwise misunderstanding or even breakdown may occur frequently because of the cultural differences. In order to reduce the misunderstanding in interaction and improve the communication between Chinese and English, research into politeness is in need. This paper tires make a contrastive study of politeness principle to see the difference of English and Chinese culture. On the contrast of the Address term Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Tact Maxim, and Sympathy Maxim, we could have a good insight into the differences of culture between English and Chinese.
    Keywords   Politeness Principle; cultural difference; contrast between China and the west
    Table of Contents
    1.1Need for the study.1
    1.2 The Concept of Politeness1
    2. The politeness principle of Chinese culture and western culture.1
    2.1 The politeness principle of Chinese culture 1
    2.2 The politeness principle of western culture.3. 3.Contrast and Analysis of Politeness Principles in Two Cultures4
    3.1 Appellation aspect4
    3.2 Modest aspect5
    3.3 Elegance aspect6
    3.4 Common aspect6
    3.5 Integrity aspect.7
    3.6 Sympathy aspect.8
    1. Introduction
    1.1 Need for the study
    The world, along with different nationalities, politics, economy, education, cultural art and so on between nations, contacts each other frequently day by day. How to know objectively and deal with different nationality’s different culture and eliminate the spoken language exchange barrier because of cultural difference has become the hot topic discussion worldwide. In the world, various nationalities have their unique politeness principle or criterion. So people’s contact will have misunderstanding or conflict. Therefore, various social groups following politeness principle and having something in common are worth studying and discussing to a great degree. Especially to the cross-culture communication research, it seems that it is more important to explore the difference.

    1.2 The Concept of Politeness
    Politeness as a universal phenomenon is the symbol of human civilization and one of the important criteria of human social activities. Politeness can be observed in all languages and cultures, and it has long been made an important object of the study of linguistics.

    2. The politeness principle of Chinese culture and western culture
    2.1 the politeness principle of Chinese culture
    China is known as the nation of the etiquette. China has formed the characteristic Chinese moral rules and politeness principles during several thousand years. Generally, Chinese culture’s politeness principles include the following several aspects.
    2.1.1. Appellation maxim
    Namely one sends regards to the other side with the suitable name. Generation and age play an important role in Chinese appellation. It may be the unique decision element especially to relatives, neighbors and elders. (在我国的称呼系统中,辈分和年龄起着至关重要的作用,尤其是对亲属,邻里和师长可能是唯一的决定因素)。(祝畹瑾) It has manifested in the Chinese culture among people’s social relations. It means “There are differences between the higher and the longer; there are distinctions between the rich and the poor; there are orders between the elder and the young (上下有异,贵贱有分,长幼有序) .” Using the appropriate appellation is considered the most minimum politeness principle.
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