
    Lukacs in History and Class Consciousness, reveals the inevitability of alienation of capitalist society. In his view, capitalist society is a highly developed commodity society. The principle of commodity exchange becomes the most basic principle of the social activities. All social relations are covered with a cloak of object - object relations. Therefore, the exchange of commodities and the resulting materialization, penetrate into all areas of social life. Alienation became common social existence.

    3.2 The Application
    Alienation theory is a main part of "Western Marxism" social political theory as well as the most important ideological weapon to attack modern capitalist society.  Through the revelation of modern capitalistic alienation and the analysis of its new features, "Western Marxism" gives the conclusion that modern capitalist society is irrational, deformed and morbid. Through the analysis of the inevitability and universality of the alienation in modern capitalist society, "Western Marxism" firmly denie the its rationality. According to “Western Marxism”, the feature of a rational society is not only material prosperity or comfortable life, but bears the elements to promote overall development of a person and help to realize personal values in the society. But modern capitalist society stands opposite to this, leading to the distortion of personality and the loss humanity. Thus they got a conclusion that modern capitalist society is deformed and morbid. As Marcuse said in One Dimensional Man, if a society can't help human nature to play its role because of the limitation of the basic laws and relations (with its structure)  
    in the society, then we can confirm that is in morbidity." And modern capitalist society is one of the list.

    4 The Countryside Girl Evolution
    4.1 The Image of Carrier Sister
    In 19th and 20th,   century, American industry and commerce boomed. From 1860 to 1900, the American population boosted from 30.1 million to 70.6 million. The county and town boosted in one night and then expanded into big city within ten years. With the development of urbanization and commercialism, people’s values are inclined to be idealism and utilitarianism. Money and benefits have become the standard and criterion of relations. The country-styled harmony and pure smile gradually become blurred and distant. Sister Carrie, the same as many other young female, transits from the honest country girl into a commodity in the city shop. After a series of development, become a machine full of desire, of nofeeling, belief and spiritual value.

    4.2 The Social Ideology
    In the 19th century, the production-based social ideology gradually is replaced by consumption ideology. Material products become a symbol of status, rather than just to meet basic needs. Expose to the magnificent metropolis, Carrie's desire is expanding to the never-ending. One desire will give way to another desire. Exposed to this environment, the inpidual was forced to act in accordance with the standards of society. Following the market rules, inpiduals have lost their own judging ability. Sense of self is no longer that "I was ", but" I am that you desire".
  1. 上一篇:从礼仪准则看中西文化的差异
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