    Abstract In New media age, the movie marketing is no longer limited to the use of traditional media, more and more films select micro-blogging marketing as a publicity approach, but many movie micro-blogging marketing effect is not ideal. Exploring the factors that influence consumers participation intention to movie micro-blogging marketing has become an important research question in order to win the box office. 31839
    First, this study reviews a large number of domestic and foreign literature. On this basis, second, technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory are used to pose hypotheses and a study model, questionnaires and empirical analysis are used to further amend hypotheses and the model. At last, four influencing factors of  consumers participation intention to movie micro-blogging marketing are drawn: interactivity, comparative advantage, observation, and perceived usefulness. According to the results and the successful micro-blogging marketing case—“The Continent”, we give four suggestions to movie micro-blogging marketing. (1) Enhance the interactive communication with micro-blogging users; (2) Use “celebrity effect” to expand the scale of users; (3) Utilize viral marketing to build a positive buzz; (4) Integrate the information to improve content quality .
    Key Words: Movie   Micro-blogging Marketing   Participation Intention  Influencing Factors    
    摘 要新媒体时代,电影的营销已经不再局限于利用传统媒体宣传,越来越多的电影选择微博营销的方式进行宣传,然而许多电影的微博营销效果并不理想。探究影响消费者参与电影微博营销的因素,赢得微博上潜在观影人群的青睐,获取票房优势,成为电影微博营销领域亟待研究的问题。
      本研究首先回顾了大量的国内外文献资料,在此基础上,以技术接受模型和创新扩散理论为理论支撑,提出假设和模型,运用问卷调查法和实证分析进一步修正假设和模型,得出影响电影微博营销参与意愿的四大因素:互动性,相对优越性,可察性,和感知有用性。 基于以上研究结果,笔者结合电影微博营销的成功案例--《后会无期》的微博营销模式,对今后的电影微博营销提出四点建议:(1)加强与微博用户的互动沟通;(2)借助“名人效应”,扩展用户群;(3)利用病毒营销,建立良好口碑;(4)整合信息,提升微博内容质量。
    毕业论文关键字:电影     微博营销     参与意愿     影响因素
    Chapter One Introduction1
      1.1 Background1
      1.2 Objective and Significance.4
      1.3 Framework..5
    Chapter Two  Literature Review.7
      2.1 Movie Marketing Research7
      2.2 Movie Micro-blogging Marketing Research.8
      2.3 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)8
      2.4 Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT).11
      2.5 Research on the Combination of TAM and IDT12
    Chapter Three  Research Design.14
      3.1 Theoretical Basis  .14
      3.2 Hypothesis and Study Model.15
      3.3 Questionnaire Design.18
    Chapter Four  Results and discussion..20
      4.1 Sample20
      4.2 Data Analysis..20
        4.2.1 Reliability ..20
        4.2.2 Demographic Characteristics21
        4.2.3 The Use of Micro-blogs ..22
    4.2.4 Influencing Factors.24
      4.3 Hypothesis Testing..30
    Chapter Five  Conclusion and Suggestions32
       5.1 Conclusion.32
       5.2 Limitations.32
       5.3 Suggestions33
    Influencing Factors of Consumers Participation Intention to Movie Micro-blogging Marketing
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