    Abstract With the development of high technology, the mobile phone has become an indispensable tool for college students to communicate with family members and friends. In this paper, the author takes the students of Jiangsu Normal University as the research objects to investigate into students’ mobile phone consumption. Adopting the sampling method, the author puts out questionnaires to poll college students using mobile phones and finds that factors such as pragmatic mentality, conformist mentality, show-off mentality and students’ desire to keep up with the Joneses have influenced the students’ purchase of mobile phones. Among them, pragmatic mentality plays a certain role in the consumption of mobile students and shows a healthy consumption concept. But other three mentalities have bad impacts on students which show their wrong consumer concepts that are awful to their mental health. With this research, the author wishes to contribute to the study of contemporary college students and to help them to have the right values and to establish correct consumption concepts .Further more, the author hopes that the  research will help to reduce the burden of the students’ families and to construct a conservation-oriented society. 31838
    Key words: college student     mobile phone     consumer psychology
    毕业论文关键词:大学生     手机     消费心理
    Abstract    2
    摘 要    3
    Chapter One  Introduction    1
    1.1 Background of research    1
    1.2 Purpose and significance of research    1
    1.3 The main contents of the research    3
    Chapter Two  Literature Review    4
    2.1 Research on mobile phone consumption    4
    2.2 Research on consumer psychology.    4
    Chapter Three  Methodology    6
    3.1 Research questions    6
    3.2 Objects of study    6
    3.3 Research method    6
    3.4 Design of the questionnaire    7
    Chapter Four  Results and Discussion    9
    4.1 Pragmatic mentality    9
    4.2 Conformist mentality    10
    4.3 Show-off mentality    11
    4.4 The desire to keep up with the Joneses    12
    Chapter Five  Conclusion    14
    5.1 Major findings    15
    5.2 Limitations    15
    5.3 Prospects of research    16
    References    17
    Appendix    18
    Effects of Psychological Factors on Students’ Mobile Phone Consumption
    Chapter One  Introduction
    1.1 Background of research
    The 21st century is the information age, and information and communication is always indispensable to people’s life. The mobile phone has had a tremendous impact on today’s life, and it is very common for college students to buy mobile phones, and the mobile phone has become an indispensable tool in their communication with family members and friends. As we all know, the Apple mobile phones are very popular today and most students are using the Apple mobile phones. So the Apple has accounted for the largest market share. However, some students who have been restricted by their own economic conditions can not afford to buy expensive phones, so some high quality and inexpensive brands become their first choices, such as Xiaomi, htc, oppo etc.
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