
    Chapter One   Introduction
    1.1 Background
    As the global film industry increasingly market-oriented, large-scale, professional and international development, the old film distribution models of Chinese film and extremely primary marketing concept are constantly updated and developed to a “customer-oriented” marketing strategy and integrated marketing communication concept of film began to appear since the 1990s, especially in Hollywood, “marketing is more important than the movie”, the marketing concept boomed the prospect of Chinese film.
    In the 21st century, the Internet has become an important channel because the consumers can get the latest movie news and participate in various film promotion activities. It has also become a major intermediary and partner for movie marketing and advertising. Internet movie marketing not only provides new film products, distribution channels and advertising styles, but also broadens the thinking space of movie marketing, bringing a great change for traditional movie marketing models. With the new media technology development and innovation, especially since 2010, “explosive” development trend of micro-blogging beyond the traditional media greatly expanded the information dissemination space. As “35th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China” published in February 2015 revealed: Until December 2014, Chinese micro-blog users, size of 249 million , Internet use rate of 38.4%. Among them, the mobile micro-blog users to 171 million. In 2014, with Tencent, Netease and Sohu and other companies have reduced their investment in micro blog, micro-blog competition among service providers gradually slowed down, user groups were mainly from Sina Weibo. It was clear that Weibo had become a dominant pattern. It showed that the micro-blog had been integrated into people's daily lives, and had become an important way of media and interpersonal communication.
    Movie marketing is audience-cantered. There is not only a media relation between media and audience, but also has a two-step flow interpersonal relation between micro-bloggers and their fans, the special nature of this relationship is conducive to the movie business through direct communication and value exchange of different audiences. So we can promote advertising and word of mouth marketing, and then influence film audiences consumer behaviors. Today, for the movie business, in order to achieve survival and development in the fierce competition of movie market, the use of newspapers, magazines, radio, television and other traditional media publicity has been unable to meet the psychological needs of the consumers. They must actively depend on micro-blogging marketing, a new media cinematographic marketing, in order to attract more attentions of film audiences, thus to create a higher box office.
    Faced with this opportunity, the film industry has also involved in micro-blogging marketing, began to interact with consumers in micro-blogs, so that the film has been widely disseminated. Chinese film did not enter the field of micro-blogging marketing blindly, but because the natural match of film audiences and micro-blogging users. “2014 Report of Weibo users” revealed that post 90s have become the main micro-blogging users, which accounted for 53% of total users, and 37% of the total users were post 80s. These young group are the main force of movie box. In addition, the report also showed that: offline micro-blogging consumer behaviors focused on meal(63%), cinema shows(44%) and other activities, which also reflected the importance of micro-blogging marketing in the movie box office .In our film industry, movie micro-blogging marketing has gradually shown a strong vitality.
    Although micro-blogging marketing has made a great contribution to the box office, a lot of movies on the micro-blogging marketing did not achieve ideal results. Some films even appeared excessive micro-blogging marketing issues. Such issues triggered our thinking: How the movie maximize the use of micro-blog marketing effectiveness? What factors influence consumers’ participation, purchase intention and even purchase behavior in film micro-blogging marketing? In order to have a deeper understanding on factors influencing consumers' intention to participate and purchase in movie micro-blogging marketing, this paper will in the view of empirical study. We will explore consumer preferences in micro-blogging marketing, so that the movie micro-blogging marketing can really be useful to the film and bring high profits and added values for movies.
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