    毕业论文关键词 对话性 科学话语 日常话语
    Title The Dialogism Analysis of the Scientific Discourseand the Daily Discourse in The Big Bang Theory
    Abstract The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom that gains popularity in recent years. It sets inthe background that four curtilage scientists intercourse with their beautiful neighbour——ablonde. The sharp contrass between the scientific discourses and the daily discourses in thesitcom’s lines has always been the trigger of humor. This paper tries to analyze the juxtapositionbetween the scientific discourses and the daily discourses from the perspective of dialogism andis intended to analyze the humor effects of the different strategies the characters use to deal withthe different discourses. It is found that both scientists and non-scientists can use one genre ormore than one genre of discourses which may be fit to their identities or not. The alternativeuses of the scientific or the daily discourses and the changes of the proportions of the differentconversational genres contribute to the luxuriant dialogism.
    Keywords Dialogism Theory scientific discourse daily discourse
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction.11
    1.1 Purpose of the Study 11
    1.2 The Object of the Research 11
    1.3 The Structure of the Paper11
    2 Previous Studies22
    2.1 Previous Studies on The Big Bang Theory 22
    2.2 Previous Studies on Bakthin’s Dialogue Theory.22
    2.3 Achievements and Shortcomings. 33
    3 Design of Research. 44
    3.1 Research Questions 44
    3.2 Data Collection.44
    3.3 Data Analysis. 44
    4 Dialogism between Scientific Discourse and Daily Conversation. 66
    4.1 Dialogism in Different Turns. 66
    4.1.1 Dialogism between Scientists’ Scientific Discourses and
    Non-scientists’ Daily Discourses.66
    4.1.2 Dialogism between Scientists’ Scientific Discourses and Scientists’
    Daily Discourses77
    4.1.3 Dialogism between Non-scientists’ Scientific Discourses and
    Non-scientists’ Daily Discourses.88
    4.1.4 Dialogism between Non-scientists’ Scientific Discourses and
    Scientists’ Daily Discourses 99
    4.2 Dialogism within a Single Conversational Turn 1010
    4.2.1 The Scientists’ Discourses Containing More Than One Voice1010
    4.2.2 The Non-scientists’ Discourses Containing More Than One Voice1111
    4.3 Competitionnflict between Scientific Discourse and Daily Conversation.1212
    4.3.1 Dominance of Scientific Discourses over Daily Conversation.1212
    4.3.2 Dominance of Daily Conversations over Scientific Discourse.1312
    4.4 Summary 1413
    1 Introduction1.1 Purpose of the StudyThe Big Bang Theory has gained great popularity in the recent years. So the relevant researchemerged a lot. However, these mostly focus on the fractures of the scientific discourses and thedaily discourses as they think it is the trigger of humor of the sitcom. From the perspective ofBakthin’s dialogue theory, the “fracture” they assumed can be comprehended to be connected. Toanalyze the sitcom with the Bakthin’s dialogue theory, not only can we understand the sitcom froma new perspective, we can also apply the dialogue theory into a new field and broaden the theory.
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