
    毕业论文关键字:职业观, 文化参数, 比较分析
    Acknowledgements .i
    1 Introduction.1
    2 Different Career Goals2 
    2.1 Occupational Goal2
    2.2 Occupational Status2
    2.3 Occupational Pride3
    3 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions4
    3.1 Power Distance Index.4
    3.2 Uncertainty Avoidance Index.5
    3.3 Inpidualism and Collectivism5
    3.4 Masculinity and Femininity5
    3.5 Long Term Orientation and Short Term Orientation6
    4 Influential Cultural Factors7
    4.1 Historical Influence.7
    4.2 Family Influence.7
    4.3 Educational Influence.10
    5 Conclusion11
    1 Introduction
    College students' career goal refers to the view a college student holds for a career. In an era with the financial crisis, the college employment pressure is increasing. However, when college students are facing the cruel reality, they are not aware that their inappropriate career goals may lead to the failure in their job-hunting. Traditional employment habits have a profound impact on modern college students. Some may have a negative impact on the future and fate of occupational employment for college students. College students' employment problem is actually a serious issue which will affect the livelihood of a family and the sense of satisfaction of a student while an appropriate career goal is the core to solve the current employment problem.

    There are many factors leading to the difficult employment of students. Among them, the university graduates’ career goal is the most important one. The university graduates’ career goal not only dominates their expectations, positions and choices, but also dominates their psychologies and behaviors. Analyzing the differences in graduates’ career goal between Chinese and foreign countries, it has a certain practical value for easing the current grim employment situation and contributes to the politics and social stability.

    2    Different Career Goals 
    No matter which country you come from, what nationality you belong to, career is one of the most important parts in our life. Either in Chinese or Western countries, either in the ancient times or the modern times, career goal is always in the most fundamental position. In view of the differences of values, Chinese and Americans have great differences in their career goals.

    2.1    Occupational Goal
    In China, most people combine the social status with their occupational goal. They think people who make a lot of money are successful. This social concept, to a great extent, has influenced the university graduate’s occupational goal. After graduation, both of graduates and their parents want to find a stable income job. Chinese graduates always discuss with their parents before they choose their job. Some parents hope that their children could follow their steps. Those parents consider they are familiar with the related industry and they can give much help to their children. In a family with a son, they hope their child can inherit their family’s enterprise, and develop it from generation to generation. The families with a daughter may hope she can take up the job as a nurse or a teacher as these jobs are respectful and with good welfare. Thus, this kind of job can satisfy their occupational goal.

    However, Americans have an inpidual-based career goal. They advocate the idea of self-selection, self-responsibility. Based on this concept, most American graduates will choose the job which they really like. During college, many western students will choose their favorite field as their major. After graduation they will do the job which is related to that major. If you do the job you like, you will spend more time and efforts on it. That may be the reason why so many American graduates choose self-employment and become a winner. Just because of this, their occupational goal will be combined with their personal specialty.
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