
    Though this kind of translation can hardly associate the feature of the product with the name, transliteration can keep the original flavor of brand names and show the quality of products. For instance, Honda(本田) and Panasonic(松下) ,these two Japanese names send customers a Japanese original message, which shows a feeling of high quality of the products so as to capture consumers’ attention. The same case can be found in K.F.C. (Kentucky fried chicken), which suggests that Kentucky State is the original place of fried chicken.

    Transliteration, usually used in high qualified luxurious goods and hi-tech products, makes use of some Chinese words which are close to the original pronunciation and westernized as the translation name. The purpose of the translation name of those products is to maintain their nobleness and mystery, as well as to satisfy customers’ consuming concept of running after the fashion of foreign brands. In the questionnaire, the jeans brand Levis has two translation names: 李文和李文斯. The two versions only have one word difference, but the results are quite different:76% participants chose 李文斯. That is because the word “斯” in translation name of broad jeans can meet youngsters’ psychology of running after the fashion of foreign brands.

    4.2.3 Free Translation
    For the purpose of taking advantage of target language and make brand translation names more authentic and acceptable, some brand names are freely translated. An imaginary brand name can bring out favorable association for customers, who may believe that the product has attributes and interests that can meet their needs and wants.

    For example, 7-up(七喜), “up” refers to something that is super , prosperous. In addition, the numeral “7”is lucky one in western. When you cast a dice at 7 sides, it means you win. On the other hand, if someone translates “7-up” into “七上” by literal translation, Chinese customers will think of “七上八下” which will bring people anxiety instead of inspiration(Li Li, 2006: 107-109 ).

    Free translation is the second popular method, taking up 32%, among interviewees in the questionnaire survey. This method maintains the original meaning of the brand and takes into account of the culture of the target language. Besides, free translated brand names reflect the aesthetics and consuming concept in the Chinese word they use. We can see that in one of the options in the questionnaire: Good Company. There are four choices: 好公司,好伙伴,良友,好朋友. Most interviewees chose 良友, for this translation of Good Company is loyal to the original meaning of the brand and makes people consider cigarettes to be their good friends so that more people would buy this kind of cigarette. In fact, cigarette is harmful to people’s health, but businessmen can change people’s thought and persuade them to buy the cigarette. That is the real effect of brand names.

    4.2.4 Mixed Translation
    It is not an easy job to deal with the translation of various foreign brand names. When neither literal translation nor transliteration works, mixed translation method should be made use of. By this mixed method, translated brand names can be close to the source language in meaning and pronunciation.

    BMW, a famous automobile brand, the Chinese version of which is “宝马”. “宝马” is neither a literal translation nor a transliteration, but it is still a very impressive brand name. “宝” means “precious” and “马” implies that it is a automobile as “马”, one transportation mean in ancient China.
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