    关键词  《弱点》 爱  爱的回报
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title              The Light into Darkness            
                   ----On the Theme of the Film The Blind Side
    The film The Blind Side tells the story of a black orphan, Mike Oher, who was adopted by an American upper society family and with the love, encouragement and help from this family finally became a football star. By analyzing the three types of love,ways of expressing love, barriers and the final rewards of love reflected in the film, this paper points out that the success of the film lies in its very theme of love. It arouses people’s inner desire for love, and demonstrates the wonders that love can make.
    Keywords   The Blind Side   love  reward  
    Table of Contents

    1  Introduction.1
    1.1  Introduction to the Film1
    1.2  Introduction to the Psychological Theories2
    2  Love.2
    3  Ways of Expressing Love.4
    4  Barriers in The Love.6
    5  Rewards of Love8
    Conclusion 12

    1 Introduction
    The film The Blind Side has received enormous praise since it appears. A.G.Gancarski from Washington Times says: The Blind Side works on three levels. First as a shrewd analysis of the NFL; second, as an expos’ of the insanity of big-time college football recruiting; and; third, as a moving portrait of the positive effect that love, family, and education can have in reversing the path of a life that was destined to be lived unhappily and, most likely, end badly. (Gancarski, 2010)

    1.1 Introduction to the Film
    Blind side, a special term used in football game, means places beyond the visibility of players. However, in this film, the blind side is more a metaphor than a special item.

    The film The Blind Side is adopted from an autobiography which tells a real story about how Michael Oher, who was an orphan despised by other people, becomes a famous and excellent football player with the love, encouragement and help of his foster family.

    The main character Michael Oher was born in slums and was forced to be taken away by the government because his mother took drugs illegally. He has serious reading disorder, has no home, no his own bed, and he doesn’t even smile because his life isn’t as good as other people. The only choice is to keep escaping from those families that are arranged to adopt him.

    The other important figure in the film Leigh is a white American housewife, living in the upper society, has a considerate husband who always supports her ideas, and two clever and sensible children. She lives with fame, wealth and all that people dream of.

    Mike and Leigh seem like two parallel lines. However, they meet and Leigh adopts Mike, loves him just as she loves her own children, and helps him find out his talents in football.

    This film touches many heated topics in contemporary society such as racial discrimination, residual colonialism, educational issues in the USA, which are most discussed by many people. Other people also explain reasons of these phenomena and put forward some solutions to them. However, few of them have researched the psychological activities of main characters in detail which naturally becomes the main issue of this paper.
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