
    There is an old saying says like this, he who gets in contact with vermilion will become red, people living in the positive institutions will also get elevated in characters and personalities. Those positive characters and personalities will promote the development of institutions such as families, communities. That why Mike could protect his family and regard himself as one part of the family.

    The second change is the exploration and stimulation of Mike’s gift in football. It may cause doubts because some people would argue that Mike is born to be strong in football, how could we attribute this to Leigh’s love. As to this point, we should look back to the scene on the playground. Although Mike has a strong body and great potential, he cannot totally understand the rules and how to use his strength in a right way on the ground. Even the coach says: Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane. Then Leigh recalls Mike tested 98 percent in protective instincts, so she chooses to make it through in another way. She tells Mike to protect his players just like they are his family, and she is right. Mike just bears this idea in his mind and stops any players getting close to his team members. Then he could get the opportunity to enter the best universities with the best football teams.

    Apart from this, the poor boy is growing up and becoming stronger and stronger with the patient love and warm care and education. Of course, the final success of Mike should be attributed to the love from everyone in his foster family, not only the mother Leigh: his foster father, his little brother and sister, as well as his strict tutor, all of which have made their own efforts and contributions to his final step into the ideal university.

    Last but not least, the spread of love should be the theme and teaching of the film, which is also very easy to understand. The mother Leigh injects her love and care for Mike, and provides him with a warm home and several families who love him. We can imagine if Leigh never helped Mike, maybe Mike would fool around just like the other black boys living in the slum and would be sent into cell. Then the world would also lose a shining sports star. Influenced by the selfless love of Leigh, Mike is able to get to know to protect his families in danger. It is a great leap for Mike to learn to love others.

    Then we can return to our real society, and we may find the theme of the film is also very valuable and worth using for reference. The whole world is speeding up with the fast development of science and technology. However, some people live on the earth are becoming more and more indifferent over other people’s bitter experience because they have to accelerate their speed to catch up with the improvement themselves or because they want to protect themselves from being hurt. All those facts make them always think only about themselves and prefer to ignore their neighbors, let alone offer help to them. It is horrible to imagine in the near future, everyone just turn a deaf ear to others’ loud moans for help, turn a blind eye to their bitterness. Then why don’t we just reach out a hand and help them as much as we can? The world will be more beautiful, and we will be rewarded more than we can expect.

    Now we can turn back to the name of the film The Blind Side. Perhaps we can interpret it in another more meaningful way. The black orphan Mike and other black boys living in the slum are always beyond our concern. But actually they are the people we are supposed to pay more attention to. Most of them lack proper education; correct guidance and then they would commit crimes and shock social order. In other words, they are the blind side of the society. If we cannot treat them properly, we may lose the game. So give them more love and care.  
    The film features Michael Oher from his impoverished upbringing to his later success as a football star, during the process of which his foster family especially Leigh, the mother, shows great love by taking care of his daily life, helping him find out his talents in football, teaching him how to love his families and other people, and guiding him to make his own choice. By telling this real-life story, the film conveys the theme of eternal love
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