    Acknowledgments My writing of this thesis has smoothly come to an end, and I hereby would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following people for their selfless dedication and contribution to my thesis.32875
    My profound gratitude first goes to one of my memorable teachers— Prof. She is the tutor of my academic research and my college life. For her constant guidance and encouragement, I can acquire the academic knowledge, especially in the process of my thesis. With her considerable and constructive advice, I begin to get a clear idea of the paper. Without her practical and profound suggestions on the completion of my paper, I could not have finished my thesis so smoothly. Without her support and help, the completion of the present thesis is impossible.
    What’s more, there are many teachers who have helped me throughout my college life such as my translation course teacher—Cheng Qinghua. His profound knowledge of western cultures led me enter into the world of culture and inspired me to make efforts in English learning. I am also very grateful to all other teachers of the School of Foreign Languages who gave me direct or indirect help during my study in the college.
    I also want to express thanks to my dear friends. They are always with me, sharing my happiness and sorrows. They support me when I need help. They give me wise advice when I hesitate. My spiritual strength comes from them. Thanks for my friends.
    In the end, I am grateful to my parents. Their selflessness love is my strong backing, inspiring me to go further, to challenge myself and be brave enough without fearing of failure.
    The article focuses on analyzing the realistic and profound meaning of challenging institutionalization in nowadays society with the original theme of Original English novel "the Shawshank Redemption" as the main thread of the article. This paper wants to warn people to be careful of his inner and outer environment become institutionalized blindly and this will make you feel like prisoners as the other character in book The Shawshank Redemption. In other words, this article is aiming at combining the original story theme with the realistic significance in nowadays society, then propose the idea that the “institutionalization” widely exists not only in human society but also in people’s inner world. The article also explains the idea that redemption does not only mean the redemption because one in imprisoned as a criminal in Shawshank’s jail, but also means the redemption in certain confining environment in real society. It is written to warm people that they should pay attention to not being stuck in the Institutionalization of the inner world and external environment. This is the fight between willpower and willpower in captivity in people’s real life. Institutionalization and self-redemption are the main idea of this paper.
    Key Words: institutionalization, willpower, perseverance, wisdom
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