
    The campaign “He For She” is a solidarity campaign for gender inequality initiated by UN Women. Its goal is to engage men and boys as agents of change for the achievement of gender inequality and women’s rights, by encouraging them to take action against inequalities faced by women and girls. Grounded in the idea that gender equality is an issue that affects all people—socially, economically and politically—it seeks to actively involve men and boys in a movement that was originally conceived as “a struggle for women by women”.
    On the “He For She” website, a map—which uses a geo-locator to record global engagement in the campaign--counts the number of men and boys around the world who have taken the “He For She” pledge, as UN Women works towards its goal of engaging 1 million men and boys by July 2015.The campaign website also includes implementation plans for UN agencies, inpiduals and civil society, as well as those on university and college campuses, both through online and sustained engagement.
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