3.1.1 Extrovert Type 5
3.1.2 Introvert Type 6
3.2 Analysis Based on Cognitive Styles 6
3.2.1 Field-independent Type and Field-dependent Type 6
3.2.2 Reflective Type and Impulsive Type. 7
3.2.3 Visual Type and Verbal Type. 8
4 Analysis of the Phenomenon of Private Tutoring 9
4.1 Purposes of Private Tutoring 9
4.1.1 Role as Students’ Cousellors 9
4.1.2 Role as Parents’ Cooperators 10
4.1.3 Role as School Teachers’ Extenders 10
4.2 The Influence of Different Types of Private Tutors on Different Kinds of Students 11
4.2.1 College Students 11
4.2.2 In-Service School Teachers 12
4.2.3 Retired Teachers 12
4.3 A Case Study 14
5 Conclusion 16
1 Introduction
Most senior high school students in China are facing many problems derived from the current “exam-oriented” educational system. They are subject to much pressure from teachers, parents and themselves. With the increase of the social demand for talents, parents have realized what their children learn in school is not enough, especially in English, because China has much more connections with the outside world and young students have more access to foreign countries and foreign cultures. A good command of English is of great importance for them to win the college entrance examination and to guarantee a better future of their career.
But as for parents, they meet with some difficulties as well. On the one hand, most parents lack professional knowledge and practice of language teaching in their own domain of life. So when their children turn to them for help with English learning, they are not capable of giving a reliable and a professional answer to their kids. Just as the saying goes, “The execution does not match the ambition”. On the other hand, high school students are in adolescence and rebellion, which causes the conflict between the two generations. Even in some extreme cases, the young children don’t want to have a talk with their parents, resulting the generation gap and misunderstanding.
Thus here appear the private tutors, who seemingly serve as the savior for parents. Private tutoring, an inpidual face to face teaching activity, offsets the school education. In the present study, students are pided into three groups based on their academic performance in English learning: the slow learners, the average learners, and the fast learners. It is very necessary for the slow learners to get tutoring lessons after class because they cannot catch up with others with their own efforts. This group of students cannot fully understand the lessons in class, so they need tutors to repeat the knowledge again after class. For the average learners, they are worried about being surpassed and are willing to challenge the top students, so they don’t want to miss any chances to make progress. For the fast learners, they are not satisfied with their present position, hoping to make constant progress and become more competitive in the future because they fix their eyes on a higher goal.
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