    Abstract The American classic film Scent of a Woman remaked in 1992, based on the famous Italian film Scent of a Woman in 1975, described the precious friendship between two men, the blind colonel Frank and the student Charlie. The paper mainly discusses the entire process of the psychology changes of the hero Frank whose life is from destruction to rebirth. Under the instruction of the theory of setback psychology, positive psychology and life meaning, it analyses the psychological changes of Frank. Accordingly, it reveals that psychology health plays more important role in students’ development. Hopefully this paper will be beneficial for the college students to build a right value of life.  
    Key words: psychology change; college students; value of life
     Analysis of the Psychological Changes of Frank in the Film Scent of a Woman
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Analysis of Frank in Sent of a Woman    2
    2.1 Inner Darkness of Frank    2
    2.2 Mental Changes of Frank    2
    III. Psychological Changes of Frank    3
    3.1 Self-understanding    3
    3.2 Frank’s Existed Ego    5
    3.3 Realization of Superego    6
    IV. Influence of the Film    7
    4.1 Inflection Points of Frank’s Psychological Changes    7
    4.2 Film’s Influence on College Students    10
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    I. Introduction
    The film Scent of a Woman, presents a man, Frank, completed the entire process of life from destruction to rebirth with a series of plots, such as dancing the tango with an unknown woman, driving Ferrari by himself, committing suicide, and making a wonderful speech in school. All of the plots are simple but profound implications. Frank’s experiences in Christmas showed that people would take extreme attitude toward life easily when something misfortune happened. Blindness, physical defect made Frank a retiree, lose confidence and what’s worse, he lost the meaning of life, which leaded to a sad ending to committing suicide. In this paper, it is going to study the psychology changes of Frank, and the influence to college students, especially through the psychology changes, college students can learn how to build correct values on life, there is no doubt that college students can benefit a lot from the film. There are many scholars have studied the film Scent of a Woman, and most of them only studied one aspect, like only study Frank’s suicide psychology, and they have not put forward some effective methods to resolve the situation. They only focused on the film itself and were not related to the contemporary college students. Therefore, in this paper, there is further study about the influence of this film to the college students. Especially to help them build a right value of life. College students is a group which plays a great role in the future development of one country, therefore, it’s more essential to college students that they have right value of life as instruction in their life. When college students meet the challenges of life, they can behavior as the word of Mencius, “When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones, exposes him to starvation and poverty, harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughen his nature and enhance his abilities.” (16) The same with Frank, who overcomes himself in hard time and finally found a right way to future.
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