
    II. Analysis of Frank in Scent of a Woman

    The classic film Scent of a Woman remaked in 1992, is based on the famous Italy film Scent of a Woman in 1975, it is a Hollywood commercial film. The film Scent of a Woman using “woman” as the title, tells a story between two men and describes the precious friendship between two men, the blind colonel Frank and the student Charlie. The film uses an unexpected encounter, a sexy tango, a wanton car racing and a splendid speech for people to complete the entire process of life from destruction to rebirth.
    2.1 Inner Darkness of Frank
    As a movie hero, Frank is a blind retired officer. He was once a General Patton’s adjutant, under the baptism of war, he practiced the strong will and quality which the contemporary young people lack. However, it’s a little ironic of fate, Frank blinded in both eyes when playing and lost his honor finally retired. Then his life building was collapsed instantly, so he became more aggressive and refused sympathy and love from others. Colonel Frank with his appearance of ego and tough was saved by inexperienced Charlie, which showed that it’s a paradox of life and also a living truth: it’s more noble and stronger that facing the hopeless life with courage rather than death. So what was Colonel Frank’s value of life? He loved woman beyond everything, and the second was Ferrari. His graceful poise when he danced tango with Donna, and his pleasant laughter when he drove Ferrari with Charlie along the street, conveyed that Frank’s deep love to life under the appearance of brazenness. However, the emptiness after enjoyed broke his fearless camouflage and exposed his fear and his afraid of being left by life. After losing the light, he also lost faith in human nature, and planed to complete the last few life events and ended his dignified life.
  1. 上一篇:陆游《钗头凤》两个英译版本的对比分析
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