    摘 要电影作为八大艺术形式之一,也是跨文化交流的一种重要手段。从社会符号学角度来看,电影是一种社会符号,电影片名的翻译是语言符号间的意义转换,翻译时要突出影片内容、传递主题信息、确定影片的感情基调、吸引观众的眼球等。基于此,本文从社会符号学理论的三个意义即指称意义,言内意义和语用意义来分析电影名称的翻译,让我们看到电影名称的翻译不仅仅是单词的直接转化,还要结合电影的特点充分考虑其语用意义,兼顾到片名的多重社会功能,使片名翻译能够体现电影作品的风格、意义和功能。33611
    Abstract The movie is one of the eight art forms and plays an important role in the cross-cultural communication. In terms of sociosemiotics, the movie is considered as the social signs, so the translation of the film name is the meaning transformation of the language signs, in which the film contents should be emphasized, the information of the theme expressed, the emotional key fixed, and more audiences attracted and so on. Based on these points, this paper will analyze the film name translation from the perspective of three meanings of sociosemiotics: the designative meaning, the linguistic meaning, the pragmatics meaning. The film name translation is not the mere transformation of the word, meanwhile, the pragmatics meaning as well as the social function of the film name should be taken into a full consideration, in order to produce the film name translation with the proper style, meaning and function.
    Key words:film name; sociosemiotics; translation
    On the Translation of Film Name from the Perspective of Sociosemiotics
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. Sociosemiotics    2
    2.1 The Development of Sociosemiotics    2
    2.2 Three Meanings from the Perspective of Sociosemiotics    3
    2.3 Translating Rules Based on Sociosemiotics    5
    Ⅲ. The Application of Sociosemiotics to the Film Name Translation    7
    3.1 The Application of the Designative Meaning    7
    3.2 The Application of the Linguistic Meaning    8
    3.3 The Application of the Pragmatics Meaning    9
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgements    13
        Nowadays, films are gradually booming as the media means to enrich people’s recreation life, which act like the bridge of the world culture to expose exotic life and culture to the people all over the world. Lots of classical movies are prevalent and are screened in different countries. So the film name plays an irreplaceable role to exactly and vividly reveal the contents and theme of the film as well as the inferring type of the movie. Thus, it’s a comparatively urgent task for the translator to take both the Chinese cultural customers and source language culture into consideration to make the title brief and clear in the hope of attracting the audience. However, on the whole, the quality of the translations sometimes are not much satisfied so that there are some deviation of expressing the original meaning that the author wants to express. There is a plenty of translation theories in the academic filed to be applied to the translation work. However some problems can’t be solved. Some of the names are ambiguous and obscured for the audience’s understanding. Because the language signs are sensible only on the condition of that it is connected with the culture.
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