    摘 要英语广告中修辞手法的巧妙运用既丰富了广告语言的内涵又加深了广告语言的说服力。在英语广告的翻译过程中,译者必须运用恰当的翻译方法,将修辞手法在目的语中再现出来,实现与原文语言风格和表达效果的功能对等,再现原文的修辞美与意境美。本文试从修辞的定义,分类和功用出发,认真研究了主要修辞手法在英语广告中的应用,包括比喻,双关,拟人,仿拟,夸张等,并举例分析其表达效果。此外,根据修辞手法的特点并结合广告案例,总结出常见的翻译方法有直译法,意译法和弥补法。本文提出的英语广告中修辞手法的应用及翻译技巧分析课题研究,旨在推动广告业及广告翻译事业的长足发展。33612
    Abstract The ingenious use of the rhetoric devices not only enriches the connotation of the advertising language but also deepens the persuasion of the advertising language in English advertisements. In the process of English advertising translation, the translator should adopt appropriate translation methods, reproduce the rhetorical devices in the target language to achieve the functional equivalence of language style and expressive effect with the original and rebuild the rhetoric image and artistic beauty. Stating from the study of the definition, classification and functions of rhetoric, this paper attempts to make a careful analysis of the use of main rhetoric devices, including simile, pun, personification, parody and hyperbole, and to analyze the effect of expression by giving respective examples. In addition, according to the characteristics of rhetoric devices and combing with advertising cases, the author sums up the common translation methods, literal translation, meaning translation and compensation. The research of rhetoric devices and translation strategies in English advertisements aims at promoting the long-term development of advertising and advertising translation.
    Key words: English advertisements; rhetoric; translation skills
    An Analysis of the Application and Translation Skills of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisements
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Studies on Rhetoric Devices    2
    2.1 Definition of Rhetoric Devices    2
    2.2 Classificion of Rhetoric Devices    2
    2.2.1 Phonological Rhetorical Devices    3
    2.2.2 Semantic Rhetorical Devices    3
    2.2.3 Syntactical Rhetorical Devices    3
    2.3 Functions of Rhetoric Devices    3
    III. An Analysis of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisements    4
    3.1 Simile    4
    3.2 Personification    5
    3.3 Pun    6
    3.4 Parody    7
    3.5 Hyperbole    9
    IV. Translation Skills of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisements    10
    4.1 Literal Translation    10
    4.2 Meaning Translation    11
    4.3 Compensation    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    I. Introduction

    In modern society, advertisement has come into every aspect of people’s daily life owing to the rapid development of economy. We can see advertising everywhere, such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, computer and so on. Most companies put thousands and thousands of dollars in advertising to promote their new products and services. Advertising English is different from normal English because of its use for specific purpose. It has features of preciseness, comfort, which makes it has a appreciate value and language research value. Excellent English advertisement should be both easy to understand and remember. If advertising word is unique and gives a deep impression to people, it can be said that its extraordinary publicity effect has made it a success. Therefore a successful advertisement depends on its unique language, which can be achieved by the right use of various rhetoric skills.
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