    Acknowledgments Two years of study time in university is drawing to a close. Here I express my sincere gratitude to my alma mater, my parents, relatives, my teachers and my classmates. Many thanks go to my family for their unconditional support for my two years study through university. What’s more many thanks also go to my alma mater of giving me the opportunity to study in the university for two years so as to acquire more knowledge develop more skills and improve myself. Furthermore, many thanks go to the teachers of English Department and my classmates for the care and encouragement during these two years. The patience of the teachers and the friendliness of the classmates, all of these fill these two years with inspiring moments and with my heart-felt gratitude.35034
    In completing this graduation thesis, I have got help from so many teachers and students. Among them, Professor Huai Pei Xin, my thesis supervisor, who is particularly approachable and supportive. Whenever I encountered difficulties, the first thing that I did was to seek help from Professor Huai. And Professor Huai always answers my question as quickly as possible even in her busy schedule.
    From the selection of subjects to the access of information, through the confirmation of the outline, through the mid-term papers modification, to the final touch of the paper, at each milestone of my graduation thesis, Professor Huai has always been there with me giving her careful guidance. The past few months, Professor Huai not only gave me meticulous guidance about school work, but also gave me the meticulous care about my thoughts. I would like to extend my sincere thanks and lofty respect to Professor Huai.
    At the same time, this graduation thesis writing should not be possible without the help of my girlfriend, Bonnie. Thanks to her constantly remind for me to stick to the schedule throughout the composition of the graduation thesis.
    The Catcher in the Rye novel tells the story of a 16-year-old boy, Holden Caulfield. Before Christmas Day, he has four subject failed in five subjects so that he was expelled from school, and he has a few days of experience before he go back home, which is extremely repressed, decadent and contradicted. Precocious but naive Holden finds there is a great contrast between the ugly real world and his ideal childhood world of “pure”. After seeing all kinds of ugly, hypocrisy of the adult world, he inextricably indulges in the ideal, innocent childhood world. He has always fancied to be the protection god of “pure”. And finally, his spirit is nearly collapsed, he is sent to a psychiatric hospital nursing. When he is in the hospital nursing and rehabilitation, he narrates his story in first person narrative.
    The protagonist is facing a period, adolescence, what each person will experience, past experience or is going through it. This period is always accompanied by growing pains and confusion and fear of the adult world. His inner world and reality are always of the misfits. The experience in the city of New York presents him with the clear huge gap between the world of childhood and adult world once again. He is afraid to grow, even refuses to grow up, and finally ends in confusion and alienates in this gap. Through the analysis of the character of Holden, this thesis explores the weakness of Holden’s character such as Inferiority, naive, pessimistic, all of which lead to the alienation of his own.
    This thesis is pided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part is to elaborate the distress what Holden met in the growth process. The third part is the study of the causes of Holden’s loneliness and confusion in the process of growing up. The fourth part is the analysis of the cause and performance of Holden's alienation. The fifth part is the conclusion.
    Key words: growth; loneliness; alienation; confusion
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